
Got Legs 可行的、有谱的

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》节目。我是王飞。

William: Hello, I'm William Kremer.

Wang Fei: William, this could be my last ever Authentic Real English!

William: What? Are you pregnant?

Wang Fei: William, 男人怎么会怀孕?你今天怎么会问这么蠢的问题?

William: Oh yes, yes, yes, men can't get pregnant! So why might this be your last ever Authentic Real English, Wang Fei?

Wang Fei: 是这样的,我有了一个非常好的做生意的主意,我想回北京开一家英语出租车公司。所有的司机都会说英语,乘客可以在乘车去宾馆的路上和司机用英语聊天,当然他们要多花一点儿钱。What do you think? It's a great idea isn't it?

Taxis in China

Do you think Wang Fei's idea has legs?

William: I think... it's got legs.

Wang Fei: What?

William: I think your idea has legs.

Wang Fei: Oh no, William, it's got wheels. It's a taxi company; it's not a walking company!

William: No, no. You misunderstand me, Wang Fei. If someone says that an idea has legs that means that he or she thinks it's a good idea; it could work. Let's hear another example.


Let's meet with the team next week. And if we come up with an idea that's got legs we should be prepared to run with it.

William: So in that example we heard where this phrase might have come from. If you run with an idea, you give it more time and thought and maybe money.

Wang Fei: To run with an idea 意思是花费更多时间、想法和金钱在上面。我们再听一遍刚才的例句。


Let's meet with the team next week. And if we come up with an idea that's got legs we should be prepared to run with it.

William: So, your English-speaking taxi idea has legs, Wang Fei. So let's run with it for a minute.

Wang Fei: Yes, let's do it!

William: So where are you going to get your taxi drivers from? Are you going to teach Beijing taxi drivers to speak really good English or are you going to teach foreign English teachers to drive in China?

Wang Fei: Well, that's a good question...

William: And how much are you going to pay these drivers?

Wang Fei: Er...

William: And how much are you going to charge your customers?

Wang Fei: Well... 看来关于这个商业计划我需要和你好好谈一谈!我们必须先结束今天的节目了。不过请不要忘了登录我们的网站听更多的地道英语表达。我们的网址是...

William: www.bbcukchina.com. Goodbye!

Wang Fei: Bye!

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