Go the extra mile 要想成功 就多付出一点
The script of this programme 本节目台词
(Feifei is giving Finn a lift to work in her car)
Finn: Thank you for the lift to work today, Feifei.
Feifei: It's a pleasure, Finn. But my car has got a few problems. Sometimes it makes funny noises. And I even had to call a mechanic a few times.
Finn: Yeah, it looks like quite an old car.
Feifei: Yes, it is. I'm saving money to buy a new one.
Finn: Well, maybe Feifei you should give up eating in expensive restaurants every week, and all those expensive holidays...
Feifei: But I love my holidays! And the good food, the designer clothes...
Finn: Yes, but if you want to save money you have to go the extra mile.
Feifei: The extra mile? I don't think this old car would survive even one more mile!
Finn: I don't mean go the extra mile in the car. I mean go the extra mile when saving money.
Feifei: The extra mile 额外的一里路?什么意思?
Finn: In English, when you tell someone to go the extra mile, you're telling them to make more effort than usual to achieve their goals.
Feifei: 我们用 go the extra mile 来描述份外或额外地多干一些,多付出一些,做比期望的多得多的努力,也就是我们长说的除了干自己份内的活,还主动承担额外的工作。
Finn: That's right. And to go the extra mile is our phrase in today's Authentic Real English. Let's listen to some examples.
- If you want to succeed in business, you have to work harder than your competitors. You've got to go the extra mile.
- Mary left university without a diploma. She spent all her time partying with her friends. She didn't go the extra mile and study harder.
Feifei: Now I get it. I have to be prepared to give up things I like - to go the extra mile - to save money to buy a new car.
Finn: Yes.
(The car stops)
Feifei: Oh no! Not again!
Finn: Why have you stopped?
Feifei: Well, this car has broken down again! I'll have to ring a mechanic.
Finn: I'm sorry about that, Feifei. I don't think this car will go any more miles, but I have a feeling you will if you kiss goodbye to the expensive dresses...
Feifei: Oh... goodbye... Oh Finn, my beautiful dresses and the cool gadgets…
Finn: Oh, the cool gadgets. Yes, those too.
Feifei: And no more fun weekends in Paris or expensive seats in the theatre...
Finn: No more real gold jewellery.
Feifei: I'm so sad. Bye.
Finn: Bye.