Hit the ground running 积极做到最好

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Kaz: (Breathless) Hello, I'm Kaz.

Yang Li: And I'm Yang Li. Hey Kaz, 你怎么穿着跑鞋,上气不接下气?出什么事儿了?

Kaz: Wait Li (Gulp for breath), let me catch my breath. Yes, I'm wearing my running shoes because I've been running.

Yang Li: 看的出来,你在跑步,怎么了?迟到啦?

Kaz: No it was because of something my boss told me to do.

Women running a race

Why has Kaz been running this morning?

Yang Li: 你的老板叫你急跑到录音室?Hmm 用得着吗?

Kaz: No no, she said "Kaz, when you start tomorrow's programme, I want you to hit the ground running".

Yang Li: "I want you to hit the ground running" – "我想让你脚一挨地就跑步"这听起来挺危险的。

Kaz: Well, I thought I'd do it literally – just for fun.

Yang Li: 真的?你会从汽车上跳下来,然后跑到录音室?

Kaz: That's right. I literally hit the ground running!

Yang Li: 但是我觉得你老板应该不会让你真的就这么 'hit the ground running'. I'm sure there's a non-literal meaning?

Kaz: You're absolutely right Li. When she said, "I want you to hit the ground running" she meant "When you start tomorrow's programme, I want you to immediately work very hard on it to make it successful".

Yang Li: 就是说嘛。老板说让你 to hit the ground running 的意思是让你到了录音室以后,马上投入工作,努力把今天的节目做好,有个好的开始。那让我们来听听几个例子吧:

  • If you want to succeed in your new job, you'll need to hit the ground running from day one.
  • You guys will have to hit the ground running on this new project.
  • The President promised that if he was re-elected he would hit the ground running on the question of unemployment.

Yang Li: Kaz 这个短语 to hit the ground running 是不是从美国来的?

Kaz: Yes, I think you're right Li, but we're beginning to hear it more often in British English.

Yang Li: 美国进口的?

Kaz: Yes, I think it is. You tend to hear it in connection with speed and efficiency especially on new projects.

Yang Li: Great!

Kaz: But one thing's for certain Li.

Yang Li: What's that?

Kaz: On this programme we always hit the ground running!

Yang Li: 你说得可真对,我们做节目可不马虎。We always give it 110%. 下次节目再见。

Both: Bye!

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