A whale of a time 快乐时光

A sperm whale from New Zealand


In 2012, researchers in the US discovered a beluga whale whose vocalisations were remarkably close to human speech. While dolphins have been taught to mimic the pattern and durations of sounds in human speech, no animal has spontaneously tried such mimicry.



短语 to have a whale of a time 的意思是玩的非常痛快,度过了一段很开心的时光。


I spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a whale of a time!

Mary is a real party girl. She goes out every night and has a whale of a time!


短语 size of a whale 形容某人块头很大、身体过胖、体型超重。注意这是一个非礼貌用语。

If you eat too many cakes you'll be the size of a whale!

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