Butterflies in my stomach 感到紧张

A macro photograph of a butterfly wing covered in scales.

A macro photograph of a butterfly wing covered in scales.



Did you know butterflies are found almost everywhere in the world? They live on every continent except Antarctica.

Butterflies are also famous migrators. The American monarch butterfly has crossed the Pacific Ocean to reach Hawaii and Australia. Sometimes these butterflies get as far as Africa and Europe.



当人们因为某件事情感到既兴奋又紧张的时候就可以说 butterflies in their stomach.


My interview starts in ten minutes. I've got butterflies in my stomach!

Julie has butterflies in her stomach every time Mike speaks to her.

I always get the butterflies before big speeches.


如果一个人特别外向喜欢社交那么就可以称这个认为 social butterfly.

Alan goes out every night and loves meeting new people. He’s such a social butterfly.

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