Give someone a hand 助他人一臂之力

Yaseen Perez Gomez guides Arian Iznaga of Cuba around the track in the men's 200m, T11 race.

Yaseen Perez Gomez guides Arian Iznaga of Cuba around the track in the men's 200m, T11 race. Photo: Michael Steele/Getty Images


Blind and partially sighted runners can compete with a guide. Usually tethered to the athlete by a rope, the guide talks throughout the race, explaining to the athlete where they are on the track, flagging up bends and making a call on whether or not the athlete should accelerate, hold the pace or relax. The golden rule of guide running is not to cross the line before the athlete, a crime punishable by disqualification.



短语 to give someone a hand 意思就是说给谁帮忙, 助他人一臂之力。


I’m really finding my homework difficult. Can you give me a hand?

Look at all the washing up! I really need someone to give me a hand!

Louise is so kind – she's always ready to give you a hand with anything.


另一个短语 go hand in hand 的意思是两件事情是密切相关的,联在一起的。

Maths and science go hand in hand – they're related subjects.

When watching a film, the images and sound go hand in hand.

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