Hold your horses 别着急

Horsemen wearing traditional Libyan clothes

Horsemen wearing traditional Libyan clothes ride their horses at a wedding outside the capital of Tripoli. Photo: Ismail Zitouny.




The history of the domestication of horses is disputed, but there is evidence that horses were being used as a means of transport over 4000 years ago.



Hold your horses! You've only known her for a week. It's way too soon to think about marriage!

Hold your horses! You shouldn't quit your job just because you've had one bad day. Things might get better.

Hold your horses! Getting a tattoo on your face might seem like a good idea now, but you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life.


To hold your own 的意思是和别人一样成功。

It was a fierce debate but Kate really held her own. It's difficult to say who won.

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