In a spin 手忙脚乱

Dancers perform on the London Eye in London as part of London 2012 Olympic Festival

Dancers perform on the London Eye as part of London 2012 Olympic Festival. Photo by Sang Tan.

In a spin 手忙脚乱

To be in a spin 用来形容很多事情同时发生,让人应接不暇,手忙脚乱,不知所措。


These dancers performed on the London Eye in London as part of London 2012 cultural Olympic Festival. The performances "Surprises: Streb" were choreographed by Elizabeth Streb and took place on various London landmarks.

这些跳舞者在伦敦眼摩天轮上表演。这是2012年伦敦奥运会期间文化节的一部份。图片里这些表演者正在表演由美国获奖舞蹈家伊莉莎白·斯特莱布设计的"惊喜: Streb",这一活动也同时在伦敦其它景点举行。


Jane was in a spin after everyone had given her a job to do.

"My head's in a spin, I've got too many things to do!"


另一个短语 a spin-off 表示由什么派生出来。比如子公司或副产品。

This new TV show is a spin-off from the original hit TV series.

The button-making company is a spin-off of the main shirt-making business.

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