Like a red rag to a bull 刺激挑衅

Mexican matadora Hilda Tenorio in action during a bullfight at the Plaza Mexico

Mexican matadora Hilda Tenorio in action during a bullfight at the Plaza Mexico. Photo by Yuri Cortez.


英语短语 'like a red rag to a bull' 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。



Bullfighting has always been very popular in Spanish-speaking countries. But in Spain, Calonia's regional parliament has voted to outlaw bullfighting, making it the first area on the mainland to initiate a ban. It will be in place this year.


For my quiet grandfather his teenage neighbour's rock'n'roll-themed party was like a red rag to a bull.

Don't talk to my dad about the smoking ban. It's like a red rag to a bull.


英语里还有另一个短语 'to see red'. 它的意思是令人感到气愤。比如:

Reading about bankers' bonuses really makes me see red.

Turn up late for school and Mr Hitchens will see red.

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