Nip it in the bud 防患于未然

A woman looks at different coloured lilies in a garden

A woman with a white flower in her hair walks through a garden of lily buds and flowers during the Chelsea Flower Show in London. Photo: Luke MacGregor/Reuters

Nip it in the bud 防患于未然

短语to nip it in the bud 意思是防患于未然或消灭于萌芽状态。


Liliaceae, or the lily family, is one of the largest plant families, with about 3,500 species distributed throughout the world. They are mainly ornamental plants, but include vegetables of the onion family (Onion, Garlic, Leek, Chives) and Asparagus, and some species have been used medicinally.



If he doesn't nip it in the bud, then the problem could soon get much worse.

She thought it was a very dangerous idea and should be nipped in the bud immediately.


另一个短语to nip out for something, 意思是快去快回。

Could you nip out to the shop and get me some milk, please?

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