Play your cards right 办事得当

Playing cards

The jack, queen and king are often the best cards to have in a card game


According to Guinness World Records, Antonio Esfandiari from the USA won the highest ever money prize in a poker tournament. He won an amazing $18.3 million in Las Vegas in 2012.

据吉尼斯世界纪录记载,2012年,来自美国的 Antonio Esfandiari 在拉斯维加斯赢得了扑克牌锦标赛有史以来的最高奖金,金额高达1830万美元。


表达 to play your cards right 的意思是办事处理得当,从而取得成功。人们经常会用这个短语来支持他人作出决定,比如说 if you play your cards right, 然后好事就会来了。


If you play your cards right, he might ask you to marry him!

John, if you play your cards right, you could become the new manager.


另一个表达 to lay (or put) your cards on the table 把你的牌都放到台面上,也就是摊牌,意思是开诚布公,直率表明你的想法或目的。

I think it's time to lay your cards on the table. Tell me honestly why you don't like my new boyfriend.

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