Thick-skinned 厚脸皮

A white rhino

New home: Lucy the white rhino travelled 300 miles from the West Midland Safari Park. Photo: Andrew Milligan

Thick-skinned 厚脸皮

如果形容某人 is thick-skinned, 就是说这个人后脸皮,不在意别人对自己的看法。


White rhinos are classed as 'near threatened' in the wild, with a population of only 17,500. Lots of zoos and safari parks across Europe are exchanging their rhinos in order to maximise the breeding potential of the captive European population.



I made it pretty clear that he had outstayed his welcome but he is so thick-skinned he didn't take the hint.

Just be a little gentle with her as she is very sensitive and not thick-skinned at all!


另一个英语 beauty is only skin deep means 一个人的内心比外表更重要。

She may not be a beauty queen but you know what they say, beauty is only skin deep.

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