To be up against it 赶时间

Trading floor at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange in Brazil

Traders at a Stock Exchange in Brazil. Photo: Inacio Texeira / AP


According to figures issued by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2011 people in Greece, Hungary and Poland worked the most hours per week in Europe.

根据经济合作与发展组织在2011年公布的数据显示,每周职员工作时间最长的国家是希腊,匈牙利和波兰 。


如果说你是 up against it, 那就意味着你非常忙,工作很紧张,任务有固定的截止时间。


I'm sorry I'll call you later. I'm really up against it today.

He's got lots to do today. He's really up against it.

I was up against it last week. Sorry I didn't have time to see you.


另一个和时间有关的短语是 to race against the clock, 意思是同时间赛跑,在规定时间内完成任务。

It's a race against the clock. I don't think I'm going to have this presentation done in time.

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