To have your eye on the ball 全神贯注

Wang Hao of China watches the ball during a table tennis match.

Wang Hao of China watches the ball during the table tennis men’s gold medal singles match against Zhang Jike. Photo: Saeed Khan.


当你 have your eye on the ball, 那么就是说你把注意力都放了这件事情上,全神贯注。


It was an all-China final in the London 2012 men's singles table tennis. Wang Hao took on Zhang Jike in this third consecutive Olympics final, but was outclassed by Zhang's superb form and was beaten 4-1. China has always dominated this popular global game, in which the ball can be hit over 180 times per minute.



I've got my driving test this afternoon. I really need to keep my eye on the ball if I'm going to pass.

I'm going on safari today. If I keep my eye on the ball, I might be lucky and see a lion!

Keep your eye on the ball with this project – we need to make sure we deliver it on time!


如果你 drop the ball, 那就是说你犯错误了,做错事了。

I really dropped the ball in that interview – there's no chance I'll get the job.

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