To pop your head out 探头出去

Crocus flowers growing in snow

Crocus flowers pop their heads out through a layer of fresh snow. Photo: AP/ Matthias Hiekel


The British Autumn crocus flower was once used as a herbal treatment for inflammation. This is because it contains a chemical (colchicine), which is known to have medicinal properties, including anti-cancer effects. Scientists are now trying to use the chemical to treat tumours.



如果某人说他要 pop their head out, 意思就是此人正准备快速的看一眼外面的情况。


I'm just going to pop my head out and check the weather to see if I need to take an umbrella with me today.

Could you just pop your head out of the window please and see what's caused the traffic to stop?


我们用短语 eyes pop out of your head 来描述当某人看见一个不寻常或令人惊奇的事物时目瞪口呆的表情。

When John asked Jane to marry him and gave her a diamond ring, her eyes popped out of her head; it was completely unexpected.

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