Up in the air 悬而未决

A model walks the catwalk during London Fashion Week at the the Topshop Show Space on February 19, 2012 in London, England.

A model walks down the catwalk during London Fashion Week in London. Photo by Samir Hussein.



London Fashion Week is an important fashion show that takes place twice a year, in February and September.

The model in the picture is part of the Louise Gray show. Designer Louise Gray said her inspirations for this 2012 show were: 'Freedom, technology, mirages and sunny days.'

伦敦时装周很出名。通常在每年二月和九月举办。本图中的模特正在为 Louise Gray 品牌走秀,设计 Louise Gray ,她 2012装展的灵感是‘自由,技,幻影和阳光灿烂的日子。

短语 up in the air 意思是某种局势的结果尚不清楚或某一决定还没有作出。这类似汉语中的悬而未决。


We thought he would sign the contract but he's changed his mind. The situation is up in the air.

The doctor told me I can't travel because I need vaccinations first. I'm not sure I’ll be able to go on Wednesday - it's all up in the air!

It's all up in the air right now: no one can agree on whether to sell the company or not.


不要把这个短语同 clear the air 混淆起来, 后者的意思是通过对话消除疑虑或积怨:

My dad was really annoyed at me for forgetting his birthday. Last night we discussed it and cleared the air.

I didn't know how my wife felt about the situation, so last night we talked for two hours and cleared the air.

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