2015年管理类联考初试已经全部结束,太奇教育第一时间权威发布 2015年管理类联考真题解析答案、MBA[微博]/MPA/MPAcc真题解析答案等信息,请考生及时关注;也可提前收藏“太奇2015年管理类联考真题解析答案”专题页面,第一时间获悉最新考研[微博]讯息。以下是太奇名师齐辙为大家解析2015年管理类联考英语(二)阅读理解真题解析!
A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys,people are actually more stressed at home that at work. Researchers measuredpeople's cortisol, which is a stress marker, while they were at word and whilethey were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place ofrefuge。
"Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we foundthat women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work that athome," writer one of the researchers, Sarah Damaske. In fact women evensay they feel better at work, she notes."It is men, not women, who reportbeing happier at home that at work." Another surprise is that the findingshold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents.This is why people who work outside the home have better health。
What the study doesn't measure is whether people arestill doing work when they're at home, whether it is household work or workbrought home from the office. For many men, the end of the workday is a time tokick back. For women who stay home, they never get to leave the office. And forwomen who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-householdtasks. With the blurring of roles, and the fact that the home front lags wellbehind the workplace in making adjustments for working women it's notsurprising that women are more stressed at home。
But it's not just a gender thing. At work, people prettymuch know what they're supposed to be doing to be doing: wording, making money,doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income. The bargain is verypure: Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws outlife-sustaining moola。
On the home front, however, people have no such clarity.Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically andmethodically laid out. There are a lot of tasks to be done, there areinadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have noclear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into is, of if they'reteenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices. Plus,they’re teenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices.Plus, they're your family. You cannot fire your family. You never really get togo home from home。
So it's not surprising that people are more stressed athome. Not only are the tasks apparently infinite, the co-workers are muchharder to motivate。
21. According to Paragraph 1, most previous surveys foundthat home________。
定位句:A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys,people are actually more stressed at home that at work. 纯细节题。与大多数研究不同,人们在家中比在工作中压力更大。也就是说,大多数研究认为:在家中的压力没有工作中的压力大。此处命题者也犯了一点儿错误,为了加大答案难度,强行将更多放松与压力更小等同了起来。此题出得一般。如果要是我给答案,答案会是:made peopleless pressed than working
[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace
[B] was an ideal place for stress measurement—无关
[C] generated more stress than the workplace—相悖
[D] wasan unrealistic place for relaxation—没有体现两者比较
22. According to Damaske, who are likely to be thehappiest at home?
定位句:'It is men, not women, who report being happier athome that at work.' Another surprise is that the findings hold true for boththose with children and without, but more so for nonparents. 比起女人,男人在家中比在工作中更快乐。有没有孩子都成立,但不是父母的人群中这点体现得更为明显。此题为典型的综合细节题,将原文中的两处子细节进行了概括。答案应该是没孩子的丈夫。此处为出题者点三十二个赞。
[A] Childless wives –相悖
[B] working mothers—相悖
[C] Childless husbands
[D] Working fathers—相悖
23. The blurring of working women’s roles refers to thefact that____
定位句:And for women who work outside the home, they oftenare playing catch-up-with-household tasks. With the blurring of roles, and thefact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustmentsfor working women it's not surprising that women are more stressed at home. Andfor women who work outside the home, they often are playingcatch-up-with-household tasks此句为答案出处。一边在外工作,一边忙着家务活。你可以说这是综合细节题,也可以说是简单推断题。答案中bread winners and housewives这两个角色精确概括了原文中workoutside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks这句话。此题继续为出题者点三十二个赞。
[A] it is difficult for them to leave their office—无关
{B] their home is also a place for kicking back—推不出
[C] there is often much housework left behind—无关
[D] they are both bread winners and housewives
24. The word 'moola'(Line 4, para.4) most probablymeans____
定位句:词汇题。Employee puts in hours of physical or mentallabor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola. 他们付出劳动,他们得到维持生计的?那还能是什么,只能是钱呗!况且这个词在美语俚语中的意思就是钞票。此题应属于词汇题中较为容易的一种,通过上下文可以推断出,出得不错。
25. The home front differs from the workplace inthat_____
定位句:On the home front, however, people have no suchclarity. Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinicallyand methodically laid out. 从家庭层面来说,人们的分工就没有这么明显了。很难客观冷静得分清楚谁该干啥,谁该干啥。所以答案是:家庭中的分工很少那么清晰。此题出得不错,但达不到点赞的地步。
[A]division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut
[B]home is hardly a cozier working environment—无关
[C]household tasks are generally more motivating—无关
[D]family labor is often adequately rewarded—相悖
总结:这篇文章属于英语二第一篇最青睐的一个题材,即社会现象。从题目难度上来讲,高于2014年初的第一篇幸福和2013年初的第一篇平庸化已结束, 小于2010年初的第一篇艺术品市场萎缩,约等同于2012年初的第一篇家庭作业。选项是梅花卷儿,所以请大家看清答案位置。[page]
For years, studies have found that first-generationcollage students-those who do not have a parent with a college degree-lag otherstudents on a range of education achievement factors. Their grades are lowerand their dropout rates are higher. But since such students are most likely toadvance economically if they succeed in higher education, colleges anduniversities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them. This has created"a paradox" in that recruiting first-generation students, but thenwatching many of them fail, means that higher education has "continued toreproduce and widen, rather than close" an achievement gap based on socialclass, according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in thejournal Psychological Science。
But the article is actually quite optimistic, as itoutlines a potential solution to this problem, suggesting that an approach(which involves a one-hour, next-to-no-cost program) can close 63 percent ofthe achievement gap (measured by such factors as grades) betweenfirst-generation and other students。
The authors of the paper are from different universities,and their findings are based on a study involving 147 students (who completedthe project) at an unnamed private university. First generation was defined asnot having a parent with a four-year college degree. Most of thefirst-generation students (59.1 percent) were recipients of Pell Grants, afederal grant for undergraduates with financial need, while this was true onlyfor 8.6 percent of the students with at least one parent with a four-yeardegree。
Their thesis-that a relatively modest intervention couldhave a big impact-was based on the view that first-generation students may bemost lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal withthe issues that face most college students. They cite past research by severalauthors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close theachievement gap。
Many first-generation students "struggle to navigatethe middle-class culture of higher education, learn the 'rules of the game,'and take advantage of colleges resources,” they write, And this becomes more ofa problem when colleges don't talk about the class advantages and disadvantagesof different groups of students."Because US colleges and universitiesseldom acknowledge how social class can affect students' educationalexperiences, many first-generation students lack insight about why they arestruggling and do not understand how students "like them' canimprove."
26. Recruiting more first-generation students has 。
原文定位:But since such students are most likely to advanceeconomically if they succeed in higher education, colleges and universitieshave pushed for decades to recruit more of them. This has created 'a paradox'in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of themfail, means that higher education has 'continued to reproduce and widen, ratherthan close' an achievement gap based on social class 又是一道综合细节题。原文说原来的目标是希望能让屌丝逆袭,但事与愿违。所以选没能够达成预期目标。这道题出得点赞。
[A] reduced their dropout rates—无关
[B] narrowed the achievement gap—相悖
[C] depressed college students—无关
[D] missed its original purpose
27. The authors of the research article are optimisticbecause 。
原文定位:But the article is actually quite optimistic, as itoutlines a potential solution to this problem 原文说为什么乐观,因为为解决这个问题提供了一种潜在的可能。对应了答案的这个问题能被解决。我又要矫情了,这个答案并不好,和原文的重合度不是那么高。如果我给答案,答案会是:addressing the problem shows promise。
[A] their findings appeal to students—无关
[B] the recruiting rate has increased—无关
[C] the problem is solvable
[D] their approach is costless—无关
28. The study suggests that most first-generationstudents 。
原文定位:Most of the first-generation students (59.1percent) were recipients of Pell Grants, a federal grant for undergraduateswith financial need 纯细节题,没什么好说,送分没商量。
[A] study at private universities—无关
[B] are from single-parent families—无关
[C] are in need of financial support
[D] have failed their college—无关
29. The authors of the paper believe thatfirst-generation students 。
原文定位:first-generation students may be most lacking notin potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues thatface most college students 纯细节题,原文的deal with换成了答案中的handling, issues没变,其实可以变成problems. 送分题,拿下。
[A] are actually indifferent to the achievement gap—无关
[B] can have a potential influence on other students—无关
[C] may lack opportunities to apply for researchprojects—无关
[D] are inexperienced in handling their issues at college
30. We may infer from the last paragraph that 。
原文定位:And this becomes more of a problem when collegesdon't talk about the class advantages and disadvantages of different groups ofstudents. “Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how socialclass can affect students' educational experiences 典型先果后因,言下之意是现在出现这种情况,恰恰是大学应该部分上负起责任。这道题证明了我一直强调的真实考试时复杂推断A—B, 简单推断偏细节的原则是靠谱的。
[A] universities often reject the culture of themiddle-class—推不出
[B] colleges are partly responsible for the problem inquestion
[C] social class greatly helps enrich educationalexperiences—推不出
[D] students are usually to blame for their lack ofresources—推不出
Even in traditional offices, “the lingua franca ofcorporate America has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brainedthan it was 20 years ago,” said Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn.She started spinning off examples. “If you and I parachuted back to Fortune 500companies in 1990, we would see much less frequent use of terms like journey,mission, passion. There were goals, there were strategies, there wereobjectives, but we didn’t talk about energy; we didn’t talk about passion。”
Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporatevocabulary is very “team”-oriented—and not by coincidence. “Let’s not forgetsports—in male-dominated corporate America, it’s still a big deal. It’s notexplicitly conscious; it’s the idea that I’m a coach, and you’re my team, andwe’re in this together. There are lots and lots of CEOs in very differentcompanies, but most think ofthemselves as coaches and this is their team andthey want to win。” These terms are also intended to infuse work withmeaning—and, as Khurana points out, increase allegiance to the firm. “You havethe importation of terminology that historically used to be associated withnon-profit organizations and religious organizations: Terms like vision,values, passion, and purpose,” said Khurana。
This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keepemployees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance. The“mommy wars” of the 1990s are still going on today, prompting arguments aboutwhy women still can’t have it all and books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In,whose title has become a buzzword in its own right. Terms like unplug, offline,life-hack, bandwidth, and capacity are all about setting boundaries between theoffice and the home. But if your work is your “passion,” you’ll be morelikelyto devote yourself to it, even if that means going home for dinner andthen working long after the kids are in bed. But this seems to be the irony ofoffice speak: Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies dependon it, and regular people willingly absorb it. As Nunberg said, “You can getpeople to think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buy into it。” In aworkplace that’s fundamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning, officespeak can help you figure out how you relate to your work—and how your workdefines who you are。
31. According to Nancy Koehn, office language hasbecome_____
原文定位:Even in traditional offices, “the lingua franca ofcorporate America has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brainedthan it was 20 years ago,”二选一式纯细节题,就是A变得B and C。这种题型英语二常见,选项中哪个答案是B或C的同义转述,哪个答案就是对的。这道题难度太小,居然就是原文more emotional
[A] more emotional
[B] more objective
[C] less energetic
[D] less strategic
32. “team”-oriented corporate vocabulary is closelyrelated to_______
原文定位:Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporatevocabulary is very “team”-oriented—and not by coincidence. “Let’s not forgetsports—in male-dominated corporate America, it’s still a big deal. It’s notexplicitly conscious; it’s the idea that I’m a coach, and you’re my team, andwe’re in this together. There are lots and lots of CEOs in very differentcompanies, but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team andthey want to win。”此题为综合细节题,整个第二段中的N多子细节共同指向了运动文化这个选项。历史事件和性别差异这两个选项属于无中生有,运动管理这个选项属于点点对应,不能概括整段。
[A] historical incidents
[B] gender difference
[C] sports culture
[D] athletic executives
33.Khurana believes that the importation of terminologyaims to______
原文定位:These terms are also intended to infuse work withmeaning—and, as Khurana points out, increase allegiance to the firm。纯细节题,这道题出得点赞。这才是细节题,同义转述,亲们,逻辑重合+同义转述。Increase=strengthen,loyalty=allegiance。
[A] revive historical terms
[B] promote company image
[C] foster corporate cooperation
[D] strengthen employee loyalty
34.It can be inferred that Lean In________
原文定位:This new focus on personal fulfillment can helpkeep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance.The “mommy wars” of the 1990s are still going on today做过真题同源三十篇的同学,这两分就是白送给你们的。这道推断题的出题者我们绝对应该给跪了。逻辑超级强大,为什么二十世纪九十年代会有 mommy wars? 是因为那时女性可能无法在工作和生活间保持平衡。现在为什么还继续,说明现在保持平衡也很难,而这本书的就是一个绝佳的例子。所以我们推出:这本书是干哈滴?这本书是为工作的女性发声滴对不?
[A] voices for working women
[B] appeals to passionate workaholics
[C] triggers debates among mommies
[D] praises motivated employees
35.Which of the following statements is true about officespeak?
原文定位:Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it,companies depend on it, and regular people willingly absorb it. As Nunbergsaid, “You can get people to think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buyinto it。”看到了吗?各位,这道题就是属于那种让你做对了不知道为什么做对,做错了还心有不甘那种题有木有?我要诚实,我考场上选的就是d, 现在还认为是d。当然,有老师选c,我觉得也有可能。我只是觉得d的概括性更强。如果把regular去掉,那无疑就是它了。如果这道题我错了,我认了,因为我知道命题者想玩死我,我给他/她机会。
[A] Managers admire it but avoid it
[B] Linguists believe it to be nonsense
[C] Companies find it to be fundamental
[D] Regular people mock it but accept it
Text 4
Many people talked of the 288,000 new jobs the LaborDepartment reported for June, along with the drop in the unemployment rate to6.1 percent, as good news. And they were right. For now it appears the economyis creating jobs at a least we are now finally moving forward at a faster pace。
However, there is another important part of the jobspicture that was largely overlooked. There was a big jump in the number ofpeople who report voluntarily working part-time. This figure is now 830,000(4.4percent) above its year ago level。
Before explaining the connection to the Obamacare, it isworth making an important distinction. Many people who work part-time jobsactually want full-time jobs. They take part-time work because this is all theycan get. An increase in involuntary part-time work is evidence of weakness inthe labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard timemaking ends meet。
There was an increase in involuntary part-time in June,but the general direction has been down. Involuntary part-time employment isstill far higher than before the recession, but it is down by 640,000(7.9percent) from its year ago level。
We know the difference between voluntary and involuntarypart-time employment because people tell us. The survey used by the LaborDepartment asks people if they worked less than 35 hours in the reference week.If the answer is “yes”, they are classified as working part-time. The surveythen asks whether they worked less than 35 hours in that week because theywanted to work less than full time or because they had no choice. They are onlyclassified as voluntary part-time workers if they tell the survey taker theychose to work less than 35 hours a week。
The issue of voluntary part-time relates to Obamacarebecause one of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outsideof employment. For many people, especially those with serious health conditionsor family members with serious health conditions, before Obamacare the only wayto get insurance was through a job that provided health insurance。
However, Obamacare has allowed more than 12 millionpeople to either get insurance through Medicaid or the exchanges. These arepeople who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job thatprovided insurance in order to cover themselves and their families. WithObamacare there is no longer a link between employment and insurance。
36. Which part of the jobs picture was neglected?
原文定位:However, there is another important part of thejobs picture that was largely overlooked. There was a big jump in the number ofpeople who report voluntarily working part-time. 纯细节题,定位对就能做得对。
[A]The prospect of a thriving job market。
[B]The increase of voluntary part-time jobs。
[C]The possibility of full employment。
[D]The acceleration of job creation。
37. Many people work part-time because they ____。
原文定位:又来了,又来了,综合细节题又来了。今年的命题者商量好了,一定要用综合细节题搞死你们哦。Manypeople who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs. They takepart-time work because this is all they can get. 许多做兼职工作的人不想做全职吗?非也非也。他们只是只能做兼职,做不了全职而已。将这两处子细节结合起来,应该选B。
[A]Fell that is enough to make ends meet
[B]Cannot get their hands on full-time jobs
[C]Haven’t seen the weakness of the market
[D]Prefer part-time jobs to full-time jobs
38. Involuntary part-time employment in the US______。
原文定位:There was an increase in involuntary part-time inJune, but the general direction has been down纯细节题,原文说总体来说下滑,选项选总体下滑。
[A]Shows a general tendency of decline
[B]Is harder to acquire than one year ago
[C]Satisfies the real need of the jobless
[D]Is lower than before the recession
39. It can be learned that with Obamacare, ___ 。
原文定位:点赞,点赞,点三十二个走心的赞。这才是第四篇应有的水准,这才是命题者应有的水平。These arepeople who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job thatprovided insurance in order to cover themselves and their families. WithObamacare there is no longer a link between employment and insurance. 原文说过去只要有全职,一般就能上保险。现在有了奥巴马整出来的这个玩意儿,就业和保险也不必然划上逻辑上的等号了。言下之意就是:别看你就业了,照样儿有可能得不到保险哦!
[A]It is no longer easy for part-timers to get insurance
[B]Employment is no longer a precondition to getinsurance
[C]It is still challenging to get insurance for familymembers
[D]Full-time employment is still essential for insurance
40. The text mainly discusses_______。
原文定位:原文标题是The Good News About Obamacare in the June JobsReport
但就这篇文章来看,还是就业谈得多些,所以我选Employment in the US这个答案。还有一个原因,原文标题是利好,答案是困扰怎么行?命题者如果非得说就是困扰这个答案的话,这两分哥不要了。
[A]Obamacare’s trouble
[B]Part-timer classification
[C]Insurance through Medicaid
[D]Employment in the US
Part B
Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing themost suitable subheading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark youranswers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
[A]You are not alone
[B]Don’t fear responsibility for your life
[C]Pave your own unique path
[D]Most of your fears are unreal
[E]Think about the present moment
[F]Experience helps you grow
[G]There are many things to be grateful for
Some Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough Times
Unfortunately, life is not a bed of roses, We are goingthough life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds ofloss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house . Hard times may holdyou down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you shouldremember that they won’t last forever。
When our time of mourning is over, we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, theselosses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities forgrowth and happiness. I want to share these old truths I’ve learned along theway。
[D]Most of your fears areunreal
Fear is both useful and harmful. This normal humanreaction is used to protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to dealwith it. Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help ofexaggerating fears. My favorite actor Will Smith once said, “Fear is not real.It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is veryreal. But fear is a choice. ” I do completely agree the fears are just theproduct of our luxuriant imagination。
[E]Think about the present moment
If you are surrounded by problems and cannot stopthinking about the past, try focus on the present moment. Many of us areweighed down by the past or anxious about the future. You may feel guilt overyour past, but you are poisoning the present with the things and circumstancesyou cannot change. Value the present moment and remember how fortunate you areto be alive. Enjoy the beauty of the world around and keep the eyes open to seethe possibilities before you. Happiness is not a point of future and not amoment from the past, but a mindset that can be designed into the present。
[G]There are many things to begrateful for
Sometimes it is easy to feel bad because you are goingthrough tough times. You can be easily caught up by life problems that youforget to pause and appreciate the things you have. Only strong people preferto smile and value their life instead of crying and complaining aboutsomething。
[A]You are not alone
No matter how isolated you might feel and how seriousthe situation is, you should always remember that you are not alone. Try tokeep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to help you if you aretrying to make a good change in your life. Especially your dearest and nearestpeople. You may have a circle of friends who provide constant good humor, helpand companionship. If you have no friends or relatives, try to participate inseveral online communities, full of people who are always willing to shareadvice and encouragement。
[C]Pave your own unique path
Today many people find it difficult to trust their ownopinion and seek balance by gaining objectivity from external sources. This wayyou devalue your opinion and show that you are incapable of managing your ownlife. When you are struggling to achieve something important you should believein yourself and be sure that your decision is the best. You live in your skin,think your own thoughts, have your own values and make your own choices。
Unfortunately, life is not a bed of roses. We are goingthrough life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds ofloss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold youdown at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, butyou shouldremember that they won’t last forever。
When our time of mourning is over, we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, theselosses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities forgrowth and happiness.[page]
Shaun Hick once said, “You need to spend time crawlingalone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is stand in the sun。” I wantto share these ten old truths I’ve learned along the way。
1. The power of mindset A positive mindset can helppeople overcome hard times. The main point is to get rid of negative clouds in yourmind and start looking at the positive things. This way, you will accomplishthings and boost your self-esteem and self-confidence。
A clear and positive mindset gives you a chance to workyour way around obstacles before they are able to break your power of will. Ifyou replace your negative emotions by positive thoughts, you will change yourreality。
2. Pain isa significant part of life As cruel as it mayseem, pain is a necessary part of life that makes us human. Pain comes frommany sources and it usually hits us when we have been at our most vulnerable.It usually does two things – it teaches you to become wiser and tells you thatyou are alive. I think there’s no need to avoid it, because it can only driveyou away. Suffering comes from your desire that the pain should not be there.It seems the fear of pain is bigger than the actual experience of pain. To befree of pain you are to take it for granted and try to find positive moments.By the way, pain can be a part of loving. If you have never been hurt, you willnever know that you have love at all。
Read also – 10 Habits That Can Steal Your Happiness
3. Most of your fears are unreal Fear is both useful andharmful. This normal human reaction is used to protect us by signaling dangerand preparing us todeal with it. Unfortunately, people create inner barrierswith a help of exaggerating fears. My favorite actor Will Smith once said,“Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstandme. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice。” I do completely agree thatfears are just the product of our luxuriant imagination。
4. Don’t fear responsibility for your life The price ofhappiness is responsibility. It’s better to realize that your happiness isn’tthe responsibility of other people. Taking personal responsibility means notblaming others for your failures and unhappiness. Your success and happinessdepends more on your attitude than it does objective, external circumstances.You should understand that happiness is ultimately in your mind. If you adoptthe surrender mindset and have faith in a happy future, you will certainly reachyour goals。
5. Think about present moment If you are surrounded byproblems and cannot stop thinking about the past,try to focus on the presentmoment. Many of us are weighed down by the past or anxious about the future.You may feel guilt over your past, but you are poisoning the present with thethings and circumstances you cannot change. Value the present moment andremember how fortunate you are to be alive. Enjoy the beauty of the worldaround and keep the eyes open to see the possibilities before you. Happiness isnot a point of future and not a moment from the past, but a mindset that can bedesigned into the present。
Read also – 7 Undeniable Reasons to Focus on MakingYourself Happy
6. Experience helps you grow All people usually grow throughexperience if they treat it courageously. Try not to ask yourself questionsthat perpetuate your role as a victim, because it will prolong your feelingsand helplessness. One of the most important parts of living and growing up isexperiencing unexpected troubles in life. People often sick, lose jobs and facecritical situations. I think these circumstances in life bring more automaticmaturity as a sort of forced growing up mentality. The pain that you feel whensomething goes wrong teaches you where you are just now and who you are in thatmoment. Good or bad experiences are a gateway to deeper level ofself-awareness。
7. There are many things to be grateful for Sometimes itis easy to feel bad because you are going through tough times. You can be easilycaught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the thingsyou have. Only strong people prefer to smile and value their life instead ofcrying and complaining about something。
It is desirable to stop comparing yourself to others andwishing to be someone you are not. Every individual has their own strengths andweaknesses. If you accept everything you have, you will truly find thefulfillment you seek。
8. You are not alone No matter how isolated you mightfeel and how serious the situation is, you should always remember that you arenot alone. Try to keep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to helpyou if you are trying to make a good change in your life, especially yourdearest and nearest people. You may have a circle of friends who provideconstant good humor, help and companionship. If you have no friends orrelatives, try to participate in several online communities, full of people whoare always willing to share advice and encouragement。
Read also – 7 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up When You’reFeeling Lonely
9. Pave your own unique path Today many people find itdifficult to trust their own opinion and seek balance by gaining objectivityfrom external sources. This way you devalue your opinion and show that you areincapable of managing your own life. When you are struggling to achievesomething important you should believe in yourself and be sure that yourdecision is the best. You live in your skin, think your own thoughts, have yourown values and make your own choices。
I hope this article will help you overcome hard times ina short period of time. No matter how hard the situation may seem, you shouldalways remember that everything is alright in the end. If it’s not alright,then it’s not the end. What has helped you get through hard times? Do you haveany other truths to keep in mind? Share your experience and ideas, please!
文章关键词: MBA联考