
  Along the danube I

  Crossing 9 nations in the center of europe from its german source to its romanian month, flows the danube r iver. For centuries, the danube was the greatest route in europe. It transported foods and people, creating a dreamlike natural thoroughfare. It has also nourished a cultural progress which has given rise to those enchant ing pearls that the river passes on its course.

  The highest bell-tower in the world is in the city of Ulm. It was built between the 14th and 15th centurie s, and reached a height of 70 meters. At the end of the last century, marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the german skies.

  Beside the tower lies the cathedral, with a gloriou s interior. Even though Ulm only has one hundred thousa nd inhabitants, the splendid architecture shows that th is city was the subject of a veritable building phenome non in the past.

  One of the symbols of the city, which perches on th e top of the cathedral, is a sparrow witha twig in its month, intent on building its nest.

  One of the most unusual characters is this ex-balle t dancer who has devoted himself to the goldsmith art. Thers days, he creates figures which evoke his former w orld, creating statuetts which have been displayed in t he bolshoi. Once a year, the ballet dancer-goldsmith si ts on a trone set 5 meters high, in order to create spe ical ring, to be given to a special person.

  多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的9个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海。几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的通路。它运送着人和物资,创立了梦纪般的自然通道,孕育了尚 岸诸多地区的文化。



  这个城市特色之一是这个前芭蕾舞演员,现在他已投身于黄金艺术的创作。每年,这位芭蕾舞金匠都要坐5米高的宝座上,为 一个特殊的人制造一枚特殊的戎指。



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