六级标准听力测试模拟二Section A答案解析(3)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 18:02   北文学校

  M: Oh, so when the weather was humid, it weighed more. And when it was dry, it weighed less.

  W: Exactly. And that variation can affect the standards of the whole country. So our department had the new weight made out of higher quality metal.

  M: How much did it cost?

  W: About forty-five thousand dollars.

  M: Forty-five thousand dollars! For a one kilogram weight! That’s more expensive than gold. Is it really worth that much?

  W: I’m sure it is. Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales, so that when they buy and sell their products there’s one standard. Think of the drug industry, for example: those companies rely on high accuracy scales to manufacture and package medicine.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the conversation mainly about?

  【解析】选[A]。选项都是一些总结性的词句表明该题可能就对话的主旨或大意提问。由对话开头就提到的some questions about the new official standard weight that you purchased可判断该对话是围绕“新的标准测重砝码”展开的,故选[A]。[B]和[C]都是针对对话中it was made of poor quality metal that was too porous — it absorbed too much moisture设的干扰项。[D]在对话中没有涉及。

  20. How is the weight used?

  【解析】选[B]。选项表明该题可能考查某一个事物的用途或作用。[C]中的atmosphere与选项中多次提到的scale,metal,weight等词关系不大,故可初步排除。由对话中Dr. Thomas的回答... use it to check the scales all over the country可直接得出答案是[B]。[D]是根据对话中的higher quality metal设的干扰项。

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