六级标准听力测试模拟二Section A答案解析(4)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 18:02   北文学校

  21. What does Doctor Thomas probably think about the cost of the new weight?

  【解析】选[D]。选项表明该题是就某物是否值许多钱提问。[A] 和[C]的观点完全相反,[B]持中立态度,[D]说“该事物拥有的重要功能来说是很合理的”,看问题全面、客观,这样的选项往往是答案。当对话中女士对该工具是否值那么多钱提出疑问时,Dr. Thomas的回答是I’m sure it is,而后又举了药品工业的例子说明标准测量砝码的重要功能,故[D]正确。Conversation Two

  M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I eat lunch with you?

  W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.

  M: Thanks. I just heard that you’re studying nutrition and you’ve got quite a bit of   experiences working in the cafeteria, so I wonder if you will be interested in a small project we are doing this term.

  W: What’s the project all about?

  M: More and more students have been deciding not to buy the meal here and we want to attract them back. So I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be to find out.

  W: Well, if the menus were changed, then maybe I wouldn’t have to listen to so much criticism.

  M: That makes you perfect for the job. Would you be interested?

  W: I’m not sure. What sorts of changes are you thinking of?

  M: I’d like to make some changes in the way we prepare our food. For example, just look at what we have to choose from today. You got a fried hamburger and I got fried chicken. They both contain too much fat.

  W: But you’d better not get rid of them. They’re everybody’s favorite.

  M: Well, we can certainly keep them, but we need to give the people who are health-conscious some choices. For example, we could also prepare chicken without the fatty skin and serve it on some rice with a light sauce. Do you think that would appeal to students?

  W: Well, I’d like that. You’re right. You’d better find out what others think. Sorry, I’ve got to get back to work. I’d like to hear more though. I’ll drop by your office later.

  M: OK, see you then.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. What are the two speakers talking about?

  【解析】选[B]。选项表明该题很可能是就双方谈论的话题提问,且谈论的话题与cafeteria有关。根据对话中男士所说的I’d like to make some changes in the way we prepare our food可判断[B]正确。[A]和[C]的内容在对话中均没有涉及。[D]是根据对话中的working设的干扰项。

  23. What does the man want the woman to do?

  【解析】选[D]。选项表明该题很可能就某人的工作或任务提问。选项[A]、[C]、[D]都与食物有关,而[B]没有涉及到食物,与其他三项差别较大,故可初步排除。由对话中男士所说的I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be to find out可推知Mr. Evans是要Grace调查学生喜欢的食物,这与[D]意思一致。[A]是针对对话中的fried hamburger和fried chicken设的干扰项。

  24. What does the man suggest the cafeteria do?

  【解析】选[C]。选项表明该题可能考查某人对食物的建议。[A]、[C]、[D]都提到了食物的配料或成分,[B]只提到了食物的价格,与其他三项明显不同,故可初步排除。由对话中的a fried hamburger ...fried chicken...both contain too much fat推断,男士建议女士应该做一些


  25. How does the woman think of the man’s project?

  【解析】选[C]。根据选项推断该题可能考查某人的态度。前三项都属于一种明确的态度,[D]Indifferent意思为“漠不关心的”,与其他三项明显不同,很可能不是答案。由对话中女士所说的What’s the project all about?及I’d like that可推知女士对男士的项目很感兴趣,故选[C]。考生应注意含有somewhat,certain等词的选项往往是答案。

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