英语四级标准听力测试模拟(四)Section C

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月04日 10:32   北文学校

  Section C

  Some people believe that you have to be a special kind of person to sell a product. But although it is clear that a successful salesman does need special talents, and a (36) _________personality, many of the skills he uses are used by us all: we build and (37) _________relationships with different kinds of people, and we listen to and take (38) _________of what they tell us and don’t just enjoy the sound of our own (39) _________.

  A firm may depend on their own sales team and on the salesmanship of their distributors, wholesalers or (40) _________. But any company needs to establish a personal relationship with its major clients (key accounts) and potential customers (41) _________. It is often said that people do business with people. A firm doesn’t just (42) _________impersonally with another firm, but a person in the buying department receives personal visits from people (43) _________the firm’s suppliers on a regular basis or in the case of department stores or chain stores, a team of buyers may travel around visiting suppliers. Keeping sales people “on the road” is much more expensive than employing them to work in the office and much of their time is spent unproductively traveling. (44)______________________________. (45)____________________. Servicing overseas customers may consequently often be done by phone, telex or letter and personal visits may be infrequent. (46)_______________________________.

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