

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年06月21日 14:55   北京新东方学校

  北京新东方学校 赵建昆(blog


  11. A give his ankle a good rest

  12. C in a theater

  13. A a tragic accident

  14. D focus on the main points of her lectures

  15. D the woman spilt coffee on the man’s jacket

  16. B. hard to understand

  17. A. attending every lecture

  18. D the new TV system may not provide anything better

  长对话 1

  19. C the description of a thief in disguise

  20. D showing his ID

  21. C not to let anyone in without an appointment

  22. C the pension she had just drawn was stolen

  长对话 2

  23. A. marketing consultancy

  24. D. being able to speak Japanese

  25. B. it will involve lots of train travel


  26. A. the lack of time

  27. A. they were just as busy as people of today

  28. D. to find effective ways to give employees flexibility


  29. B. the Great Depression

  30. D. his second wife’s positive influence

  31. B. love breeds love


  32. B. its owner died of a heart attack

  33. C. putting up a Going Out OF Business sign

  34. C. developing fresh business opportunities

  35. A. owning the greenhouse one day


  36 labor/labour

  37 ingredients

  38 vital

  39 individual

  40 engage

  41 figures

  42 generating

  43 currently

  44. Will be making decisions in such areas as product development, quality control and customers’ satisfaction

  45. To acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures

  46. Don’t expect that the companies will provide you with clearly defined career paths

    更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 四六级论坛 四六级博客圈


考试难度: 太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难      
考得如何:很好 还行吧 唉,别提了
08年12月六级资格线预测:比往年高 和去年一样 比往年低
难度调查:太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难     
考得如何:很好 一般 别提了    
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