

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年06月21日 17:25   交大外院

  Will E-books replace traditional books?

  Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology, and thereby E-books have wound their way into our daily life. Because of the wide and quick popularity of E-books, there has been an increasing controversy over the question of whether E-books will replace traditional books or not.

  Many people hold the idea that it will not take long for E-books to replace traditional books because E-books have quite a few advantages over traditional ones. First, E-books are more accessible to readers, because the readers just need to log onto the internet and read online. Second, thanks to the advanced technology, the cost of E-books is much lower, so it takes readers far less money to buy E-books. Last but not the least, reading E-books has developed into part of our daily life, which is particularly appealing to young users, who are the body part of the users of electronic products.

  As far as I’m concerned, it is not likely for E-books to replace traditional books for lots of reasons. For example, long time of reading E-books will do more harm to our eyes, and readers will find themselves more accessible to printed materials because computers and the internet haven’t yet been popularized to every corner of our life.

    更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 四六级论坛 四六级博客圈


考试难度: 太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难      
考得如何:很好 还行吧 唉,别提了
08年12月六级资格线预测:比往年高 和去年一样 比往年低
难度调查:太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难     
考得如何:很好 一般 别提了    
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