

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年06月21日 17:34   交大外院

  >>大学英语四六级考试加油帖 >>6月大学英语六级考后对答案 >>心情发泄站

  I am interested in criminal justice system of our country. It seems to me that something has to be done if we are to survive as a country. I certainly don't know what the answers to our problems are. Things certainly get complicated in a hurry when you get into them. But I wonder something could be done to deal with some of these problems. One thing I am concerned about is our practice of putting offenders in jail who haven't harmed anyone. Why not work out some system whereby they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of incuring another debt by going to prison and of course coming under the influence of hardened criminals.I am also concerned about the short prison sentences people are serving for serious crimes. of course one alternative to this is to restore capital punishment. but I am not sure I would be for that. I am not sure it's right to take an eye for an eye. The alternative to capital punishement is longer sentences. But they would certainly cost the tax payers much money. I also think we must do something about the insanity plea. In my opinion, anyone who takes another person's life intentionally is insane. however, that does not mean that person isn't guilty of the crime, or that he shouldn't pay society the debt he owes.It's said of course that the person may have to spend the rest of his life or a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind.

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考试难度: 太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难      
考得如何:很好 还行吧 唉,别提了
08年12月六级资格线预测:比往年高 和去年一样 比往年低
难度调查:太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难     
考得如何:很好 一般 别提了    
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