

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年06月22日 14:24   北京新东方学校

  北京新东方学校 王兆飞



  Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?

  There is no denying the fact that e-books have been gaining increasing popularity in the past years along with the development of information technology. People are often heard to talk about e-books written by such famous writers as Hanhan or Mu Zimei. Actually, modern readers seem to spend more time on e-books than on traditional ones.

  As a consequence, it has emerged as a hotly debated topic whether e-books will take the place of traditional books in the future. Some hold the positive view. They claim that it is convenient to read on line as modern people have easy access to the Internet while having less and less time to frequent the bookstore. Besides, reading e-books saves money.

  Personally, I believe that e-books cannot be a substitute for all traditional books. Although the former are more convenient and less expensive, they cannot compete with the latter in at least the following aspects. First, you can take a traditional book anywhere and read it anytime but you cannot always have access to the Internet. Secondly, a truly valuable book deserves a paper version for your computer may have the risk of breaking down. Last but not least, to many people, only the smell of print and the feel of paper can provide the true sense of reading and learning.


  82.who have devoted their whole life to poetry (也可以是devoting their whole life to poetry)

  83.or she would/should have answered it /replied last week

  84.have completed/finished her chemical experiment

  85.have the old couple quarreled with each other

  86.The prosperity of a nation in the future depends/relies, to a great extent, on

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考试难度: 太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难      
考得如何:很好 还行吧 唉,别提了
08年12月六级资格线预测:比往年高 和去年一样 比往年低
难度调查:太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难     
考得如何:很好 一般 别提了    
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