

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月15日 17:10   恩波教育

  Part I  Writing


  Recently, it is not uncommon to see many food safety problems. Contaminated food has done great harm to people’s life。

  First and foremost, contaminated food indispensably poses a great threat to people’s health. It brings big tragedies to many families. Some lost their lives; some others got seriously ill after they ate contaminated food …

  Meanwhile, food contamination has a profound impact on healthy and fair competition in market economy …

  In my opinion, lack of effective supervision contributes a lot to food contamination problem. As a result (consequently) strict laws should be passed and executed to regulate this urgent social problem. Furthermore, manufacturers should always bear in mind the sense of public responsibility when they are seeking for profit through their products …

  Part II  Fast Reading

  1------7   ACBCDDC

  8. suggestion therapy     9. they are fascinated by it   10. accept it/ accept the method

  Part III Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11-15 DBACB           16-20 CDCDB    21-25 BCAAD

  Section B

  26-30 DABAC 31-35 BDBBB

  Section C

  36. effort                    37. officials                38. negotiate              39. balanced

  40. competition          41. exchange              42. process          43. environmental

  44. These “greenhouse gases” trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing the world’s climate。

  45. But currently, nations producing only 44 percent have approved the Protocol. Russia produces about 17 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases。

  46. To join the W.T.O., a country must reach trade agreements with major trading countries that are also W.T.O. members。

  Part IV Reading in Depth

  Section A :

  47---56   KOLEN   GICAD

  Section B

  57---66   CBADD    CDCBD

  Part V  Cloze

  67---86    CDABB  CDBCD   ACBDC   DBACC

  Part VI  Translation

  87. We couldn’t have achieved such great progress in science and technology。

  88. not until he arrived at the station。

  89. other than they appealed to his eyes。

  90. depends on whether or not we can preserve our environment well。

  91. is confined to those who have close contact with the patients。

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