本次英语四级翻译要求我们翻译三段,总计 4句话,从词法的角度看,相对较难,出现了很多相对偏一些的名词表达,重点考查了以下这些知识点。
1. 核能:nuclearenergy 核电:nuclearpower 总发电量:totalgenerating capacity
2. 占:account for
3. 全国性的核安全检查:national nuclearsafety inspection
4. 审批恢复:Examine and Approval hasbeen restored
5. 降低到最低程度:dropto a minimum extent
6. 开发和利用:exploit andutilize 还可以用名词形式来表达 development and utilization
Chinashould further develop nuclear energy, because nuclear power currently accountsfor only 2% of the total generating capacity. The proportion is in 30th amongall nuclear-capable countries, which is almost the lowest。
In March 2011, after the accident ofJapanese nuclear power station, China stopped its nuclear energy development,with approvals for new nuclear power plants suspended, and national nuclearsafety inspection carried out. Examine and Approval has been restored carefullyby October, 2012.
Withthe improvement of technology and safety measures, the possibility of nuclearaccidents can be dropped to a minimum extent. In other words, the nuclearenergy can be exploited and utilized safely。
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