
2015年05月14日16:09  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  Part 1 找工作

  recruit [rɪ'kruːt] 招聘

  [真题例句]Recruiting and training new staff。

  want ads 招聘广告

  [真题例句]They usually look for a job by searching the Want Ads in the newspapers。

  position [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n] / post [pəʊst] 职位

  [真题例句]He has left his position in the government。

  [真题例句]How does Simon get to know about the company's available posts?

  opening ['əʊp(ə)nɪŋ] /vacancy ['veɪk(ə)nsɪ] 空缺职位

  [真题例句]I think there are still a few openings suitable for seniors like you。

  [真题例句]Although Sue took longer to complete her projects than John and both were equally successful on the assignments they completed, Sue was given the first promotion when there came a vacancy。

  apply for a job [ə'plaɪ] 找工作

  [真题例句]How to apply for a job。

  job applicant ['æplɪk(ə)nt] 求职者

  [真题例句]Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good impression on a potential employer。

  resume [ ’rezəmeɪ] 简历

  [真题例句]I received your job resume last week, and it was very impressed。

  [常用搭配]hand in/cast a resume 投简历

  application form [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 申请表

  [真题例句]She filled in an application form。

  interview ['ɪntəvjuː] 面试

  [真题例句]You seem very confident about the job interview, don’t you?

  interviewer['ɪntɚvjuɚ] 面试者

  [真题例句]He should show respect for the interviewer。

  interviewee [,ɪntəvjuː'iː] 应试者

  [真题例句]Who is the interviewee in a clinical interview?

  candidate ['kændɪdeɪt] 候选人

  [真题例句]Hire the most suitable candidates to work for them。

  short list 最终候选人名单

  [真题例句]Get to know the candidates on the short list。

  offer ['ɒfə] 录取通知

  [真题例句]I got two letters this morning with job offers。

  contract ['kɒntrækt] 合同

  [真题例句]The conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the Language School is only offering a year’s contract, and that’s a definite minus. It could be renewed, but you never know。

  article ['ɑːtɪk(ə)l] 条款

  [真题例句]Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'd like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it。

  hire ['haɪə] 雇用

  [真题例句]It would cost at least $50 a month to hire someone to do the work, so I do most of it myself。

  employer [ɪm'plɒɪə] 雇主

  [真题例句] In the mid-1970s, critical legislation mandated access to education, public transportation, and public facilities, and prohibited employment discrimination by federal agencies or employers receiving federal funds。

  employee [emplɒɪ'iː] 雇员

  [真题例句]An employee in the city council at Birmingham。

  Part 2 福利&薪酬

  welfare ['welfeə] / benefits ['bɛnəfɪt]福利

  [真题例句]A new policy on pensioners’ welfare。

  [真题例句]Attractive wages and benefits。

  insurance [ɪn'ʃʊər(ə)ns] 保险

  [真题例句]Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance。

  paid vacation [və'keɪʃ(ə)n] 带薪假期

  [真题例句]Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations。

  salary ['sælərɪ] /wage [weɪdʒ] /income ['ɪnkʌm]工资,收入

  [真题例句]Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians

  [真题例句]The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one reinforcing the other。

  [真题例句]They tend to be low in education and in income。

  bonus['bəʊnəs] 奖金

  [真题例句]Any salesperson who sells more than the weekly quota will receive a bonus。

  pension ['penʃ(ə)n] 养老金

  [真题例句]The pension she had just drawn was stolen。

  make ends meet 收支平衡

  [真题例句]If he had accepted the offer, he wouldn’t be able to make ends meet。

  Part3 工作变动

  promotion [prə'məʊʃn] 升职

  [真题例句]I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled。

  transfer [træns'fɜː] 调任

  [真题例句]I made an effort to get my supervisor to transfer me to another department, but he urged me not to complain too loudly。

  fire ['faɪə] /dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] /lay off 开除

  [真题例句]Two employees that Chris hired were stealing, and he had to fire them。

  [真题例句]She has been dismissed for her poor performance。

  [真题例句]Last year, Andrea’s husband, Rick, a miner in Nevada was laid off。

  resign [rɪ'zaɪn] 辞职

  [真题例句]She has made up her mind to resign

  unemployment[ʌnɪm'plɒɪm(ə)nt] 失业

  [真题搭配]unemployment rate 失业率

  [真题例句]Computers will increase the unemployment rate of young blacks。

  retire [rɪ'taɪə] 退休

  [真题例句]Simon, how does it feel to be retired?

  Part 4 相关表达

  work overtime['əʊvətaɪm] 加班

  [真题例句]Junior employees being made to work overtime。

  overwork [əʊvə'wɜːk] 过度工作

  [真题例句]She has been overworking for a long time。

  workload ['wɜːkləʊd] 工作量

  [真题例句]He finds the huge workload unbearable。

  odd job [ɒd] 临时工作

  [真题例句]They’ll do odd jobs together at the school library。

  work efficiency[ɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nsɪ] 工作效率

  [真题例句]The goal increase people’s work efficiency。

  workforce['wɜːkfɔːs] 劳动力

  [真题例句]The urgent need of a diverse workforce。

  staff [stɑːf] 员工

  [真题搭配] full-time staff 全职员工

  supervisor ['suːpəvaɪzə] 主管

  [真题搭配]It falls short of her supervisor’s expectations。

  colleague ['kɒliːg] 同事

  [真题搭配]creates conflicts among colleagues


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文章关键词: 四六级听力高频场景词四六级听力工作词汇

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