
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月04日 14:33   新浪考试

3. 语法知识与真题解析






  1. 一般现在时5. 一般过去时9. 一般将来时13.一般过去将来时

  2. 现在进行时6. 过去进行时10.将来进行时14.过去将来进行时

  3. 现在完成时7. 过去完成时11. 将来完成时15.过去将来完成时

  4. 现在完成进行时8.过去完成进行时 12.将来完成进行时16.过去将来完成进行时






  1、表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态:常和always,usually,often,sometimes,every day, every week等时间状语连用。

  例:He goes to work every day. 他每天去上班。


  例:The earth is round.地球是圆的。


  例:I don’t think you are right.我以为你错了。

  4、在时间、条件状语从句中表示将来的动作,遵循“主将从现”的原则。常用的连词有as soon as,when,until,if,unless。我们在此引用三道真题。

  例(1)"When are you going to visit your uncle in Chicago?"

  "As soon as ______ our work for tomorrow."

  A. we're completeB. we'd complete

  C. we'll completeD. we complete


  例(2)They will go home for winter vocation as soon as they ________their exams.

  A. have finished B. finish C. finished D. was finishing


  例(3)When the mixture ______, it will give off a powerful force.

  A. will heat B. will be heatedC. is heated D. has heated


  (二) 、现在进行时


  例:The teacher is talking with his students. 老师正在与学生们谈话。


  例:I am attending a conference in New York. 我正在纽约参加一个会议。


  1、表示动作刚刚结束(常和just, now, already, yet等词连用);或表示动作的结果(一般不用时间状语)。

  例(1)Li Ming has just turned off the light.李明刚刚把灯关上。(说明现在灯已经关上了。)

  例(2)I have lost my pen.我把笔丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在我还没有找到这支笔。)


  例(1)He has _____ the army for ten years and is now an officer.

  A. gone intoB. joined inC. been inD. come into



  例(2)They’ve known each other since childhood. 他们从小认识。(现在还继续来往)

  3、非延续性动词和it is +时间+since….(过去时)

  英语中有些动词不能延续,因此不能和表示延续的时间状语连用(如for ten years)。下题是非常典型的例子。

  例(1)It is ten years since he left home and joined the army.他入伍离乡已十年。

  对非延续性动词,表达完成时态时常用it is +时间+since …的句型代替,从句用过去时态。

  4、have(has)been to和have(has)gone to的区别

  have(has )been to:去过某地(表示某人的一种经历),可以和once,twice,often,never,ever连用。

  have(has)gone to:去某地了(表示某人已经离开此地,在去某地的路途上或已在某地,所以一般来说此句型只用于第三人称),此句型不能与上述时间状语连用。

  (1)He has gone to America.他已经去了美国。(现在不在此地)

  (2)He has been to America twice. 他(曾经)去过美国两次。



  例(1)I _____ on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.

  A. was knockingB. am knockingC. knockingD. have been knocking



  例(2)Since he left the university, he _____ in an accounting company.

  A. has been working B. had worked

  C. had been working D. was working




  1、表示过去的动作或状态:常和具体的过去时间状语连用,如just now, last year, when I was 18 years old等。

  例:You've already missed too many classes this term .You _____ two classes just last week.

  A. missedB. would miss C. had missed D. have missed


  2、used to do sth:过去常常做…

  例:I used to take a walk in the morning.




  一般过去时主要表示过去某个时间发生或完成的动作或存在过的状态。这种动作或状态与现在没有任何联系。它只是表示过去发生过(或已完成),过去存在过。句中往往有明确的表示过去的时间状语。如:just now, last year, when I was 10 years old等。

  现在完成时则是由现在回顾过去的一种时态式,注意的是“是否曾经有过这么一回事,该事完成后遗留下来的影响或结果”。绝对不能使用指定过去某一时点的时间状语。常与下列副词连用:already, recently, yet, before, just, ever, never,since, so far, in (over, during) the past few years等。上面举的例子就能很好的体现这一区别。



  例:He was doing his homework from seven to nine last night.


  2、when 和while 的用法区别

  when表示一个特定时间点,其所引导的句子用过去时,while 表示持续的一段时间,其所引导的句子用过去进行时。

  例(1)I fell and hurt myself while I _____tennis.

  A. was playing B. am playing C. play D. played


  例(2)When you _____ this over with her, you should not see her any more.

  A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. talking


  例(3)One of the guards _____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.

  A. has slept B. were sleeping C. slept D. was sleeping



  例:He went to see Xiao Li. He was leaving early the next morning.



  1、表示在过去的某一时间或动作之前已经完成了的动作(即过去的过去)。这个过去的某一时间可用by, before等介词或连词引导的短语或一个从句来表示。

  例(1)When I went to visit Mrs. Smith last week, I was told she ______ two days before.

  A. has left B. was leaving C. would leave D. had left


  例(2)About the sixth century A.D. when few Europeans could read, the Chinese _____ paper.

  A. inventedB. had invented

  C. have inventedD. had been invented



  例:The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.

  A. had been onB. was on

  C. has been onD. would be on


  3、在含有before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的状语从句的复合句中,由于连词本身可以明确表示动作发生的先后顺序,因此,主句和从句都可以用一般过去时表示,而不用过去完成时。

  例:I called him as soon as I arrived.我刚一到就给他打电话。

  4、过去完成时常用在no sooner …than…, hardly/scarcely/barely…when…,一…就…。句型之中,句子倒装。

  例(1)No sooner had we sat down _____ we found it was time to go.

  A. thanB. whenC. asD. while


  例(2)Scarcely had he opened the door when a gust of wind blew the candle out.





  I finished the work yesterday.

  They had fulfilled their task by the end of last year.



  例:He will come and help you. 他会来帮助你的。

  2、be going to +动词原形:表示马上就要发生的事情或打算好要做的事。

  例:Are you going to attend the lecture? 你打算去听这个讲座吗?

  3、be to +动词原形:表示安排或计划好了的动作。

  例:The Five-Ring Road is to be open to traffic before National Day. 五环路将在国庆节前通车。

  4、be about to +动词原形:表示即将发生的动作。

  例:The lecture is about to begin.讲座即将开始。

  5、某些表示开始、终结、往来行动的动词如:go ,come, start, arrive, leave 等的现在进行时可表示将来。

  (1)We are leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 我们明天动身去北京。

  (2)The foreign guests are arriving in Shanghai tonight. 外宾今晚到达上海。


  表示在将来某一时间以前完成的动作。这是近两年来考试的重点。其句型的基本结构就是will have done。我们下面通过几道真题来讲解这一语法点。

  例(1)By next year he ______ in New York for five years.

  A. has workedB. has been working

  C. worksD. will have worked


  补充:如果句子中有by引导的时间状语,句子需要用完成时;by后跟的是将来的时间,句子需要用将来完成时,表示将来某时之前已经完成的动作。如,By next Friday, he will have studied here for three years.到下周五,他在这里学习就要满三年了。


  例(2)By the end of next year they ____ together for twenty years.

  A. will have worked B. had worked C. would work D. have worked



  例(3)I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.

  A. shall finishB. must have finished

  C. have finishedD. shall have finished




  这一语言点在最近的考试中也有所考察。句型结构为will have been doing.

  例:By the time you arrive this evening, ______for two hours.

  A. I will study B. I will have been studied

  C. I had studied D. I will have been studying




  1. Mary _____ in the garden when it began to rain.

  A. was walkingB. walkedC. walkingD. had walked

  2. English _____ in a new way at my college in the past few years.

  A. has been teachingB. was being taught

  C. has been taught D. had been taught

  3. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.

  A. will finish B. has finished C. finishD. would finish

  4. Please be sure to telephone me the next time you _____.

  A. will come B. would come C. shall come D. come

  5. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _____.

  A. shone B. shines C. has shone D. was shining

  6. Return the book immediately to the library as soon as you _____ with it.

  A. finish B. are finished

  C. have finishedD. are finishing

  7. ---How are you feeling?

  ---I have been feeling better since_____

  A. the doctor has come B. the doctor will come C. the doctor had come D. the doctor came

  8. The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.

  A. had been onB. was onC. has been onD. would be on

  9. By the time Juan gets home, he aunt _____.

  A. will leave B. leaves

  C. will have leftD. is leaving

  10. You’ve already missed too many classes this term. You _____ two classes just last week.

  A. missed B. would miss C. had missed D. have missed

  11. One of the guards _____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.

  A. has slept B. were sleepingC. slept D. was sleeping

  12. Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and _____.

  A. visiting his daughter B. to visit his daughter

  C. visit his daughter D. visited his daughter

  13. I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.

  A. shall finishB. must have finished

  C. have finished D. shall have finished.

  14. There is a knock on the door. It is the second time someone_____me this evening.

  A. interrupted B. has interrupted C. would interrupt D. interrupt

  15. “Is there anything wrong?”

  “No, so far I ____ no trouble.”

  A. have had B. had C. have D. had had

  16. No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she _____ them.

  A. tries B. will try C. are trying D. has tried


  1. 句意为:下雨时,玛丽正在花园里散步。“散步”这个持续动作是“开始下雨”这个瞬间动作发生的背景。应该用过去进行时。选A。

  2. 和 in the past few years 时间状语连用的是现在完成时,而且英语是“被教”应该用被动语态,所以选C。全句意为:在过去的几年里,在我的大学,老师用新的方法教英语。

  3. as soon as +现在完成时表示将来完成。选B。句意为:史密斯服完兵役后要学医。

  4. next time在这里引导一个时间状语从句,表示“下次你来的时候”。选D。

  5. 句意为:当我到达山顶时,阳光灿烂。“阳光灿烂”是持续动作,作为一种背景,应该用过去进行时。选D。

  6. as soon as +现在完成时表示将来完成时。选C。句意为:你读完这本书后请立即把它还给


  7. since的用法:主句用现在完成时,从句则用一般过去时。故选D。

  8. 句意为:我们赶到的时候,化学课已经开始五分钟了。“开始五分钟”应该在“赶到那”动作之前,也就是过去的过去,应该用过去完成时,选A。

  9. 句意为:娟到家时,她的阿姨已经走了。从时间状语从句by the time Juan gets home (gets,一般现在时)可以看出,“娟到家”应该是发生在将来的动作,而且是她到的时候,她的阿姨应该已经走了,所以要用将来完成时。选C。

  10. last week 是过去的时间状语,应该用一般过去时。选A。

  11. 句意为:将军进来的时候,一个士兵正在睡觉,这让将军非常生气。“睡觉”为持续性动作,要用过去进行时,选D。

  12. went,bought和visited应该是并列谓语。选D。

  13. 从时间状语从句by the time you get back用一般现在时能看出,“你回来”应该是发生在将来的动作。到那时,“我将已经写完这篇文章了”,应该用将来完成时,选D。

  14. 选B。此题考查it is +第几次that +现在完成时,表示第几次做某事,故选has interrupted.

  15. 选A。 so far 用于现在完成时,表示至今为止,同样用法的还有up until now等。

  16. 句意为:只有试了之后才知道展会上的车是不是适合他。选D。


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