
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月04日 14:33   新浪考试

 1.2 被动语态


  状态 时间一般进行完成


  be donebe being done have been done


  was/were donewas/were being done had been done


  will be donewill be being done will have been done



  例(1):The goods _____ when we arrived at the airport.

  A. were just unloading B. were just been unloading C. had just unloaded D. were just being unloaded


  例(2) He ____ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

  A. was almost hurtB. was almost to hurt himself

  C. was almost hurt himselfD. was almost hurting himself


  二 、 情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+be+过去分词。

  例(1)I can't find the recorder in the room. It ______ by somebody.

  A. must have taken B. may have taken

  C. may have been taken D. should have been taken




  例(1)Because of many mistakes, she was made ______ these letters again.

  A. type B. to typing C. typed D. to type



  例(2)Henry is often seen _____ English aloud every morning in the classroom.

  A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read



  1.need/require +doing sth(=to be done)(此句型主语大多为物)。

  例(1)It is hot and dry; the flowers need ______.

  A. being watered B. be watered C. to water D. to be watered



  例(2):My room is a mess. It needs _____.

  A. to be tidying upB. tidying upC. to tidy up D. tidied up



  2.sell, wash, read, write, run 等动词带状语修饰时。

  例:This kind of clothes sells well. 这种衣服卖得很好。

  The pen writes smoothly. 这只笔书写顺利。

  3.主语 +sound(feel, look, smell, taste)+ 形容词。

  例:The dish_____ terrible! I don’t like it at all.

  A. tastes B. tasted C will taste D is tasted




  1. The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.

  A. cameB. come C. to come D. have come

  2. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen_____comfortably.

  A. is worn B. wearing C. wears D. are worn

  3. This out-of-date teaching method_____.

  A. must do away with B. must have done away with

  C. must being done away with D. must be done away with

  4. A fire _______during the night and a large number of houses_______to ashes.

  A. broke out, were burntB. was broke out, were burnt

  C. broke out, burntD. set out, were burned

  5. English ____ in Australia.

  A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken

  6 A new house ___ at the corner of the road.

  A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building

  7. His new book___ next month.

  A. will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published

  8. ___ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.

  A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are

  9. The flowers ___often.

  A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water

  10. The pot ___ for ___ hot water.

  A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep

  11.How dirty the tables are! They need___.

  A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleaned

  12. Newly-born babies ___in hospital.

  A. are taken good care B. are taken good care of C. take good care of D. take good care

  13.The apple ___very sweet.

  A. is tasted B. taste C. tastes D. are tasting

  14. -What do you think of the TV play?

  -Wonderful. It is worth___ a second time.

  A.watching B. watched C. seen D. seeing

  15. A photo _____ each time that button _____.

  A. has taken… has pushed B. has been taken…has pushed

  C. is taken … will be pushed D. is taken … is pushed.


  1. see sb do sth.主动语态不带to,变成被动语态一定要加to,选C。

  2. 选C。此处的wear 与write, sell 等词一样,表示“…起来怎么样”时,用主动形式表示被动,此句意思是:这种由熟练技工生产的眼镜戴起来很舒服。

  3. do away with 为固定短语,意思是“消除,废除”。题意是说“这种过时的教学方法必须被废除”,此题考察情态动词和含介词的短语变被动语态时的用法,应选D。

  4. 答案A。Break out 不能用被动语态,因此B不对,房子被烧成灰烬是被动语态,并且前后时态要一致,此处都是过去时。

  5. 选D。英语是被讲的,speak 一词用于讲某种语言的话,为及物动词,故用被动。本句意思是:在


  6. 选B。此处考察被动语态的现在进行时,为be+ being done。其他选项都不正确。

  7. 选A。由题中的next month推断,此处考察被动语态的将来时,结构为will be done。

  8. 选B。根据后面的been 一词可以推断此处是完成时用法,故用have/has,所以选B。

  9. 选B。此处考查情态动词后的被动式。应为must+be done, 故选B.本句意思是:花必须经常浇。

  10. 选B。be used for 为:被用做…, for 为介词,故后面要加动名词。本句意思是:这壶是用来盛热水的。

  11. 选C。 need doing= need to be done, 为主动表被动。

  12. 动词短语变被动,只需将主要动词变被动,其他成分放于后面即可。这里新生儿是被照顾的,故用被动,选B.

  13. Look, sound, taste, smell, feel 等感官动词,不用被动形式,故选C.

  14. Worth 后加主动形式的动名词,但表被动意思。另外看电视剧用watch,故选A。本句意思是:这部电视剧很棒,值得再看一遍。

  15. 选D。根据意思应当是:每一次按那个按钮,就能照一张相。此处相片和按钮都是动作的宾语,故用被动语态。而each time引导的时间状语中,遵循主将从现原则,故选D。


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