

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月16日 10:36   新浪教育微博







  A good boy must behave himself. 好孩子应当行为规矩。(定语)

  I like this red dress very much。(定语)

  She is beautiful. (表语)

  The patient is asleep. (表语)

  Who has got the window open? (宾语补足语)

  Ive got everything ready for the class. (宾语补足语)

  I said it would happen, and sure enough it did happen。(独立成分)


  This is a red dress. The dress is red。

  alike, afraid, alone, asleep, awake, aware, alive, ashamed, unable, content。



  Unfortunately, he wasnt at home when I came. (修饰整个句子)

  Luckily, she wasnt injured in the accident。(修饰整个句子)

  Her pronunciation is very good。(修饰形容词)

  I have been extremely busy these days。(修饰形容词)

  I can hardly agree with you。(修饰动词)

  He works terribly (quite) hard. (修饰副词)


  1.单音节词和少数双音节词(如以y结尾的)在词尾加-er , -est。

  如:small, smaller, smallest; great, greater, greatest; clever, cleverer, cleverest; quiet, quieter, quietest ; common, commoner, commonest; narrow, narrower, narrowest。

  2、以e结尾的词加-r , -st 。

  如:larger, larger , largest ; simple, simpler , simplest ; polite, politer , politest; brave, braver, bravest; fine, finer, finest。

  3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变y为i 再加-er , -est 。

  如:busy,busier, busiest; heavy,heavier, heaviest; happy,happier, happiest。

  4、以一个辅音字母结尾的词,双写该辅音字母,再加-er, -est 。(一个辅音字母结尾;重读闭音节)

  如:big,bigger, biggest; thin,thinner, thinnest; hot,hotter, hottest。

  双音节词,多音节词比较级和最高级在词前加more, most。

  如:difficult, more difficult, most difficult, interesting, more interesting, most interesting; useful, more useful, most useful。




  This room is bigger than any other one in the hotel。



  Everyday he arrives earlier than anyone else in the company。

  Small oranges are usually sweeter than big ones。

  It is better to be prepared than unprepared。

  This is easier said than done。

  She is taller than I(me)。

  I meet with more difficulties than she does。

  The girls in my class are more active than those in his class。

  1、有than 就要考虑比较级。



  My father walked faster and faster until I could no longer keep up with him 。

  keep up with \跟上,赶上

  no longer=not any longer

  My father walked faster and faster until I couldnt keep up with him any longer. (not 用来否定动词)

  Our country is getting stronger and stronger。

  Things are getting better and better every day。

  Im getting more and more interested in arts。

  get interested in 对……感兴趣

  3.“the +比较级…,the+比较级”,表示“越是…就越…”。

  The more haste, the less speed. 欲速则不达。

  The harder she works, the more progress she makes。

  make progress 取得进步

  The more I study it, the more I like it。

  Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels。

  The more preparation you do now, the less nervous youll be before the exam。

  The sooner you start, the faster youll be finished。



  Of all the places Ive visited, I like Hangzhou best。

  This is the worst movie Ive ever seen。

  Beijing is one of the largest cities in the world。

  For me, Tuesday is one of the busiest day in the week。

  Among all the students, he runs (the) fastest。

  比较级前面有时也加the ,表示两者之间“较…的一个”。

  Both of the two girls are beautiful, but I think the tall one is more beautiful of the two。

  The five-year-old boy chose the more expensive of the two toys。

  六、“as+原级+as”,“not as / so +原级+as”

  “as+原级+as”,表示“和…一样…”, “not as / so +原级+as”表示“不及…”。

  He is as good a swimmer as any of us。

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