

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月16日 10:36   新浪教育微博

  注意 good 的位置

  Hes as tall as I。

  It is not as hot in Beijing as in Wuhan。

  He does not smoke so heavily as his father。

  French is just as difficult a language as English。

  She is as good a cook as her mother。

  I have never seen so beautiful a place as Hangzhou。

  never 否定含义

  类似的还有:hardly, little, few

  “as+原级+as one can”和“as +原级+as possible”表示“尽可能地…”。

  Come as soon as possible。

  There is nothing we can do but wait as calmly as we can。

  there is nothing…but… , but后一定跟动词原形


  My new coat cost me four times as much as the old one。


  cost 花费,主语是物。spend, 主语是人。

  It takes sb. some time to do sth。

  spend in doing sth。

  spend on sth。

  This room is twice as large as that one。

  This room is twice larger than that one。


  The sun is much bigger than the earth。

  错误:The sun is more bigger than the earth。

  She is by far the cleverest girl in our class。

  by far 到目前为止

  Its becoming the third largest city in the country。

  They have many more chemistry books than we。

  There is much more water in this jar than that one。

  They will come back a little earlier。

  This time she ran a good deal faster。

  Tom is six centimeters taller than John。

  Of all the workers in the factory, Alice is by far the most skilled。




  3、比较级多用than,个别情况下用 of the two。比较时,前后成分一定一致。

  4、the +比较级…,the+比较级

  5、as+原级+as , not as / so +原级+as


  He is almost as tall as his brother。

  My father isnt as old as he looks。

  This word is used less frequently in British English than in American English。

  Spanish people usually speak more quickly than English people。

  Winter is drawing near. Its getting colder and colder。

  The more you practise writing, the better you will do it。

  The more work we give our brains, the more work it is able to do。


  1. We are not _______ to afford a car yet。

  A. enough money B. money enough

  C. rich enough D. enough rich

  1、enough 作为形容词放在可数复数名词和不可数名词前。

  Have you got enough sandwiches for lunch?

  Surely 15 minutes is enough time for you to have coffee。

  2、enough 作为代词。

  Six bottles of wine will be enough。

  I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show。

  3、enough 作为副词,放在动词、形容词和其他副词的后面。

  You dont practice enough at the piano。

  Is the river deep enough for swimming (to swim in)?

  She isnt good enough for the exam。

  答案 C

  2. “Its six oclock and your father is still at the office。”

  “I know, who else would _______ he does?”

  A. be as hard working as B. as working harder than

  C. do harder work than D. work as hard as


  答案 D

  3. “Ralph seems to like this country。”

  “Yes, he is _______ here as he was at home。”

  A. almost as happy B. as happy almost

  C. as almost happy D. almost happy as


  almost (already)放在系动词be的后面,其他动词的前面。

  答案 A

  4. They say Mexico City is more populous than _______ in the world。

  A. any city      B. any other city

  C. any else city   D. any rest city

  populous 人口众多的


  答案 B

  5. Most of the students have made _______ progress in their study of English than we first expected。

  A. more great B. more greater

  C. far greater D. far more greater

  答案 C

  6. General George Brown was older than _________ in his regiment (军团)。

  A. any officer B. any other officer

  C. any others officer  D. any officer else

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