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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 19:06  《冒气泡》

  1.I suppose so

  This short response has a sense of uncertainty together with a minor agreement to what was said. It is like telling someone that you heard them clearly and what they say is possible but you are not very sure about. You would have to think more on it to get a clear answer or to express a true opinion.

  2.One thing I can't figure out...

  There is some unanswered question that you have been unable to solve. Usually, you either have an answer or you don't. When the question is much more complicated then it takes more effort to find a solution. The effects from GM foods, for example, are not completely known to the average person so it difficult to understand it.

  3. Have a chance

  The chance is of survival. When discussing serious disease we often weigh life and death in the balance. So a chance is a chance at life. The chance to survive and win over the disease of the body. Some diseases are so powerful that humans do not have a chance to get cured. But with the advent of modern medicines, many sick people have a chance.

  4. Full of holes

  Nothing is perfect. I think that we can all agree on that. When it comes to policies and medical plans, for example, certain people will not get the necessary medical attention they need to survive. It can come from many reasons. No one plan can cover everyone. No one system can protect all of society. Nothing is perfect. If it is not perfect then the areas that are empty are considered to be holes.

  5. Try telling that to...

  What you have just said is right but you have just told the wrong person. Even if you tell the right person they would probably not listen to you. This is a skeptical statement because the person using it doesn't really believe that it will have any effect on the important people. They would not so easily understand. For example, try telling an AIDS patient that one day a cure will be found. It comforts YOU to know but the sick person wants the cure today because tomorrow may be too late.












气泡演讲(2002/02/07/ 18:55)
气泡时间(2002/02/07/ 18:49)
实事快报(2002/02/07/ 18:43)
小憩片刻第一幕(2002/02/07/ 18:25)
小憩片刻第二幕(2002/02/07/ 17:53)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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