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Life on Mars? (2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/20 09:50  空中美语



  Conversation C

  Maggie and Greg continue talking about living on Mars.

  Greg: Preparing for cities on Mars? That sounds like a lot of trouble.

  Maggie: I’m sure it would be, but modern technology has done some amazing things.

  Greg: True. Maybe we could live on Mars someday. We’ve sent people to the moon and rockets to Mars, after all.

  Conversation D

  Maggie: And who knows what will happen to this world of ours in the future.

  Greg: Yeah. But we may run out of planets to move to someday if we aren’t more careful. Keep me posted, and don’t leave Earth without me.

  Maggie: I’m in no hurry. I’m happy to sit here and watch TV for now. Can you turn it to Channel 20? I think“Plan 9 from Outer Space”is on.


  keep someone posted“随时向某人提供消息”,例如:

  A: So are you and your boyfriend getting married?

  B: Not yet, but I’ll keep you posted.




  (A) had your nose in a book (B) Like what (C) After all (D) That sounds like a lot of trouble (E) keep you posted (F) Who knows

  1.A: I’m going on vacation tomorrow, and I haven’t taken these books back to the library yet. Could you do it for me?

  B: __(1)__. Can’t you take them back this evening?

  2. A: What are you reading? I notice you have __(2)__ all day.

  B: It’s“War and Peace”. I’m going to write my book report on it.

  3. A: Have you been admitted to Harvard’s MBA program?

  B: Not yet, but I’ll __(3)__.

  4. A: Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

  B: __(4)__? In Beijing, the weather changes from day to day.

  5. A: I think we are lost.

  B: I thought you knew the way. __(5)__, you are the one who’s been there before.

  6. A: We’ll have to change some of this furniture if we want to live comfortably here.

  B: __(6)__?

  A: Well, for starters, that sofa has got to go.



  (1) D (2) A (3) E (4) F (5) C (6) B



  Translation—Conversation C



  Translation—Conversation D

  玛吉:而且谁知道我们的这个世界将来会发生什么事呀。格雷格:对呀。可是如果我们不更小心些的话,也许有一天我们就没有行星可搬了。有消息随时告诉我,不能不带上我就离开地球哦。玛吉:我才不急着离开。我现在坐在这里看电视,挺愉快的。你能转到第20频道吗?我想正在放“外层空间大阴谋”(Plan 9 from Outer Space)呢。

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空中美语 专栏


1. technology n.科技
My brother likes to check out the newest technology.

2. amazing adj.惊人的
It is amazing how quickly she works.

3. rocket n.火箭
As a child, she dreamed of taking a rocket to the moon.

4. for now adv. phr.暂时
A bicycle is OK for now, but later I will buy a motorcycle.

5. outer space n. phr.外层空间,太空
Maybe someday we will put our garbage in outer space.


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