Darla meets her friend Frank for dinner after the first day at her new office job.
Frank: So how was your first day? What’s the boss like?
Darla: She seems to be a bit of a free spirit, you know, into astrology and all that stuff. She told me she’s an Aquarius.
Frank: Really? That’s odd. Most Aquarians would rather die than do the nine-to-five gig.
Darla: Well, the atmosphere is pretty lax.1 I mean, one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots. One of the guys has long hair and a beard.
Frank: So I guess your lip ring didn’t throw the boss off.2
Darla: She didn’t even bat an eyelash. Apparently, her credo3 is“live life the way you choose.”
Frank: So she likes people to be individualists. Cool. But is she a good leader?
Darla: I don’t know yet. She seemed really ill at ease4 telling me what to do.
Frank: I’m not surprised. Aquarians are hesitant about giving orders and directing people.
Darla: She sure seemed interested in my private life, though. She hit me with a lot of personal questions. I hope she’s not the judgmental type.
Frank: Don’t worry. She’s probably just curious. It’s pretty difficult to shock an Aquarian.
Darla: I’m the one who’s a little shocked. It’s going to take some time to get used to a boss like her.---by Sonya Roy