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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 双鱼座:“鱼”星高照(2)

Pisces: Star(2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/05 08:19  空中美语


  (Elissa and James are talking in a coffee shop.)

  James: I'm really mad at my new roommate!

  Elissa: What's wrong?

  James: She's so noisy! Sometimes I can't sleep.

  Elissa: Have you said anything to her?

  James: No. What should I say?

  Elissa: Just be nice and tell her the truth.

  James: I don't know if I can be nice; I haven't slept well for days!

  Elissa: Would you like me to talk to her? I can.

  James: Really? You are so helpful!

  Elissa: Of course, I'm a Pisces. That's what I'm good at.

  --by Brian Greene

  Listening Practice

  ______1. (A)Yes, he will help her clean the house.

   (B)Yes, he will help her with math.

   (C)No, he will not help her.

  ______2. (A)He does not like math.

   (B)He can do it well.

   (C)He is a math teacher.

  ______3. (A)She thinks he is helpful.

   (B)She said he is a lot of trouble.

   (C)She does not think he is smart.

双鱼座:“鱼”星高照(1) (2002/04/01 08:20)
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空中美语 专栏


1.roommate n.室友
He lives in the house with his roommates.

2.noisy adj.吵闹的,喧闹的
The rock concert was very noisy.

3.helpful adj.有用的,有帮助的
My sister is a very helpful person.

4.be good at v.phr.擅长
He is good at drawing pictures.


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