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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > A University President or a Nanny?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/08 10:36  《英语学习》

  ■龙应台 文/国华 彭宇 树春 译注

  (校长:中文里不论什么学校的“长”,都叫“校长”,英文里‘校’有不同,‘长’的名称也不同。中小学(school)的校长,美国英语通常称为principal,英国英语现在通常称为head teacher,过去一般称为headmaster;大学校长则称president或chancellor,不过英国大学的chancellor是虚衔,可以译成“名誉校长”,真正的校长是Vice-chancellor。标题里的“校长”显然指大学校长,应当译成university president。






  (摘自龙应台《这个动荡的世界》,汕头:汕头大学出版社, 1998。标题为译者所加)


  1)常常会听到:即“我常常会听到”(I often hear...)。汉语的主语常可以省略,而英语句子一般须有主语。

  2)看待:这里可以理解为‘对待’(treat...as if...),按字面意思译成regard...as...也可以。

  3)一派慈祥:“一派……”的意思是‘显出非常……的样子’,这里可以理解为‘话音中充满……’,译成their voices full of...或以感叹句“How...!”的形式另起一句。英语似乎缺乏一个与“慈祥”完全对应的词,比较接近的有motherly/fatherly, loving, benevolent。“一派慈祥”可以译成their voices full of fatherly love或How benevolent!。


  5)做得像:也就是‘表现得像’(act just like)。

  6)严父慈母:字面意思是‘严格的父亲和慈祥的母亲’,这里可以理解为‘严格而又慈祥的父母’(strict but loving parents)。


  8)不许:这里的意思是‘不被允许’(aren't allowed),但形式上却没有任何被动标记。中文里这种情况很多。

  9)在校内:不能一看见“在……内”就用in。这里的“校”指‘校园’(campus),而campus并不跟in搭配。这里最好用around campus(在校园四处)。

  10)上课不许迟到:这里的“不许”似乎重点不在于重申一项规定,而是劝说学生‘不要’,因此宜译成shouldn't come late to class。


  12)周会:每周一次的会(weekly meetings)。

  13)正襟危坐:意思就是‘身子坐直,态度严肃’(sit up straight and be serious)。

  14)睡眠要足8小时:意思是‘要得到至少/整8小时的睡眠’(should get at least eight/eight full hours of sleep)。

  15)熄灯前:这里指‘在宿舍熄灯前’(before the lights are turned off in the dormitory)。

  16)洗澡入厕:这里的意思应当是‘淋浴完毕,上完厕所’(finish using the showers and bathrooms)。

  17)起床做操:中文是并列结构,英文也可以译成并列结构get up and do morning exercises,但不如将“做操”译成状语for morning exercises简练。

  18)讲话时不许口含食物:也就是‘不要在嘴里有食物时说话’(shouldn't speak with food in their mouths/with their mouths full)。

  19)穿短裤上课:即‘在教室里穿短裤’(wear shorts in the classroom)。

  20)看电影有害学业:意思应当是‘看电影过多会影响学习’(going to the cinema/movies too often will interfere with their studies)。

  21)看电视有害眼睛:意思也是‘看电视过多会损害视力’(watching too much television will ruin their eyesight)。

  22)吃饭之前:即‘饭前’(before meals)。

  23)等等等:and so on and so forth或etc., etc.。


  1)一直以为:这里译成have always considered比have always thought更确切。think的过去时thought常隐含看法、观点的转变。


  3)指导学术与教育大方向:即‘为学术研究和教育制定方向’set the course/determine the direction of academic research and education。


  5)而不是:rather than。

  6)管馒头稀饭:即‘负责给幼儿喂馒头和稀饭’(in charge of feeding steamed bread and porridge to infants)。这里把“馒头”译成西方人早餐吃的toast(烤面包片)也可以。

  7)这也暂且不提:意思是‘让我们暂且把这一点放在一边’(let's put this aside for the moment)。

  8)用心……是善意的:这里最好按‘有良好的用心’译成has very good intentions,因为这里用have句型比用be句型要顺。

  9)毋庸置疑,当然……:“毋庸置疑”即‘毫无疑问’(There is no doubt)。这个成分在原文中是插入语,英文there be句型不宜作插入语,得拿它起句。

  10)论“事”:即‘对某事进行评价’(pass judgment on something)。


  12)根本不重要,重要的是:换句话说就是‘重要的是……而不是……(what matters is not...but...)。“重要的是”本来也可以译成the important thing is,可是由于前面已有The problem is,这里再用the important thing is显得重复,不如说what matters is。

  13)何其严重:文言,等于‘多么严重’(How serious...)。

  14)过度呵护:pampering, coddling, excessively caring。

  15)幼稚教育:“幼稚”是台湾用语,大陆说“幼儿”。这里实际指‘幼儿教育体制’(infantile educational system)。

  16)在……成长的:这里与其把“成长”译成主动的grew up,不如译成被动的brought up (培养起来)。整句话可以译为Brought up under this kind of excessively caring, infantile educational system;灵活一些,也可以说brought up in an educational system that pampers them like babies。

  17)遇事时:即‘当面临实际困难或问题时’(when faced with an actual hardship or problem)。

  18)“眼泪汪汪”:shed tears或whimper and cry。原文在本段节录之前提到两个女大学生遇到困难只会“眼泪汪汪”,所以这里加了引号。

  19)又能做些什么呢?:这里的含义是‘你又能指望他们做些什么呢?’(what can you expect...?)



  2)如果……已经学好:实际情况是‘没有学好’,因此英文得用表示反事实的if...had learned。另外这里的“学好”不宜按照字面意思译成learn well,而应理解成‘学会一点’(a bit of)。


  4)提之携之:这是对“提携”的强调,“提携”的本义是‘给予指导和帮助’(give guidance and help),这里其实就是指对学生的‘训导’(discipline)。


  6)就是因为:=正是因为(It is because...)。

  7)基础教育:即‘小学和中学教育’。这里可以按‘在小学和中学’理解,译成in primary and secondary school。

  8)没教好:意思是‘没有教会他们这一切’(they were not taught all these things)。


  10)亡羊补牢,总比不教好:“亡羊补牢”是成语,意思是‘羊丢了之后才去修补羊圈’,英语与之相近的成语是Better late than never(迟到比不来好)。中文这两句话合在一起,不妨译成Although it is late, better late than never。


  1)听起来:英文要把隐含的主语these remarks补出来。

  2)是个因噎废食的逻辑:“因噎废食”是成语,意思是‘因为害怕被饭噎死,所以索性不吃饭’(give up eating for fear of choking)。文章作者借这一成语想表达的意思是‘因为担心学生不会自治自律,所以干脆不让他们自治自律’。这其实是一种不合逻辑、自相矛盾的思想。译文只要把‘不合逻辑’或‘自相矛盾’(quite illogical/ contradictory/manifest a kind of counterproductive logic)译出来就可以了,不必非得翻译“因噎废食”。

  3)在小学、中学十二年间:即‘在上了十二年学之后’(after twelve years of schooling)。

  4)一直:all along。

  5)接受……辅导:即‘受的是……教育’(taught in a spoon-fed manner)。

  6)大学……育婴:即‘这种“照看婴儿”在大学这个层次继续下去’(this sort of "babysitting" is continued at university level)。

  7)这岂不是:即‘结果岂不会是’(wouldn't it merely result in)。

  8)恶性循环:vicious circle。


  10)把学生口里的:中文是定语,译成英文的状语from the mouths of the students更地道,因为前面的谓词是remove。

  11)有个起点:即‘从某一点开始’(start somewhere)。

  12)大学不做:即‘不从大学开始’(if not at the university)。

  13)更待何时?:这是比较文雅的说法,换句话说‘那从哪里开始?’,英译文可以很简练:then where?

  14)我们对大学教育的期许是什么:也就是‘我们大学教育的目的是什么’(what are the aims of our university education)或‘我们把什么视为大学教育的目标’(What do we consider the goals of university education to be)。

  15)教出:turn out。







  22)下判断:pass judgments。


  24)为了……目的吗?:翻译时可以把后半句提前,译成Is it the aim




  27)牺牲:即‘以……为代价’(at the expense of...)。

  28)自主自决:这里的意思主要是‘自己做决定’(make independent decisions)。

  29)自治自律:“自治”的意思前面的四字成语已经包含了,这里把“自律”(exercise self-discipline)译出来就可以了。

A University President or a Nanny?

  I often hear university presidents say, "I treat my students as if they were my own children," their voices full of fatherly love. And indeed they act just like strict but loving parents, telling the students that they aren't allowed to walk around campus in slippers, that they shouldn't come late to class, that they shouldn't speak with food in their mouths, that they can't wear shorts in the classroom during the summer, that they have to sit up straight and be serious at weekly meetings, that they should get at least eight hours of sleep, that they have to finish using the showers and bathrooms before the lights are turned off in the dormitory, that everyone must get up for morning exercises at six a.m., that going to the cinema too often will interfere with their studies, that watching too much television will ruin their eyesight, that they should wash their hands before meals, and so on and so forth.

  Now I have always considered university presidents to be visionary policymakers who set the course of academic research and education rather than mere nannies in charge of feeding steamed bread and porridge to infants. But let's put this aside for the moment. There is no doubt, of course, that this type of educator has very good intentions. The problem is, when we pass judgment on something, what matters is not intentions but the actual consequences. And how serious the consequences of education are! Brought up in an educational system that pampers them like babies, what can you expect university students to do except‘shed tears' when faced with an actual hardship or problem.

  These educators might say, "If these students had learned a bit of independence and self-discipline before they came to college, I wouldn't need to spoon-feed and discipline them like this. It is because they were not taught all these things in primary and secondary school that I, a university president, have to teach them now. Although it is late, better late than never."

  These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. Since it is because the students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven't acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling, wouldn't it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of "babysitting" is continued at university level? If we're going to take away the dummies from the mouths of the students, we have to start somewhere; and if not at the university, then where? Besides, what are the aims of our university education? To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students who never wear slippers and shorts, or students who are able to independently assess a situation, make decisions and pass judgments? Which is more important? Is it the aim of university education to train "obedient" and "well-behaved" youth at the expense of their ability to make independent decisions and exercise self-discipline?

  (Translated by Guohua Chen and Yu Peng)

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《英语学习》2002年3期 专题



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