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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 旅行不小心 小心行不行(2)

Travel Trouble(2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/12 08:37  空中美语



  Conversation C

  Serena and Jason are back in their hotel room.

  Serena: Boy, I remember when I got lost in Germany.

  Jason: What happened?

  Serena: I couldn't find the train station and it was getting dark. I had to use charades to get directions.

  Jason: You must have looked pretty funny, but whatever works.

  Conversation D

  Jason: What else have you learned from your travels?

  Serena: Well, I always have a map of course, and I try to carry a phrase book.

  Jason: It's not very practical to learn a new language every time you travel.

  Serena: True. But learning just a few words can help you a lot.

  Jason: I guess I'm lucky to be traveling with you. Where are we going next?

  Serena: Actually, I'm going to Canada. I like to travel solo.

  --by Heather Morgan

  Sentence 4U

  ...,(but)whatever works."......,(不过)只要行的通就行了。"例如:

  A: I tried to get his attention by jumping up and down.

  B: That is a strange thing to do, but whatever works.


  B: 那确实是很奇怪的做法,不过有用就行。

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空中美语 专栏


1. charade n. (用动作、图画或书写表示的)猜字游戏

2. phrase book n.外语常用语手册(旅行者用的)

3. practical adj实用的

4. solo adv.单独的


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