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Marriage Vegas Style Fails to Please Girlfriend
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/15 08:39  《英语学习》

  British student James Cripps went to Las Vegas, had a few drinks and got married. His problem was that he already had a girlfriend, and she was not pleased to hear that he had married a complete stranger. He put off telling her about it for three days after he returned from the United States, and then she dumped him. The Times newspaper said 21-year-old Cripps had now begun the humiliating process of trying to find his bride, a 26-year-old optician from Australia, to try to persuade her to agree to an annulment. Cripps has little memory of his new wife, nor can he recall much of the ceremony."I was way too drunk,?he was quoted as saying."We were all very drunk and thought it would be a laugh if we got married." "It was one of those stupid things. If you go to Las Vegas, you drink, you gamble and you get married, which is what I did, although I regret it now." He added:"It was funny for a while, but now my ex-girlfriend is never going to talk to me again.?



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《英语学习》2002年3期 专题



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