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She gave him a good dressing down
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/24 17:20  空中美语


  She gave him a good dressing down.她给了他一顿痛斥。

  Explain: She scolded him/She chastised him.

  "Dressing-down(谴责)" means a severe reprimand, which could be a public humiliation."Give someone a dressing-down"means scolding someone(责骂某人) severely, especially in public.

  【例句】Queen ElizabethⅡis to ban Prince Edward from making films about the Royal Family and she intends to give him a public dressing-down in front of the rest of the family.伊莉莎白女王二世将禁止爱德华王子拍摄有关英国皇室德影片,并打算在其他皇家成员之前公开谴责他。

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