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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/30 08:50  《英语学习》

  By Alastair Little


  难以想象,剑桥大学的学生毕业后竟有人下海下到饭馆,甘心情愿当一名厨师。本文作者Alastair Little就是一个,而且他当得很成功,很自在,现在伦敦拥有两家餐馆,既是老板,又是大厨,在英国颇有名气,常在电视上抛头露面,指点饮食。让我们听一听他对21世纪的吃有何高见。

  My biggest hope for the new millennium is that there will be a reaction against<注1> diets and food fads<注2> though frankly I can't see it happening. My New Year wish would be for the word "Lite"<注3> to disappear from the English language. Or better still<注4> for all diets<注5> sold<注6> in books at airports to prove to be fatal<注7> so their authors got sued for<注8> millions in the American courts.

  Such diets are pernicious.<注9> We're already seeing malnourished children in wealthy LA<注10> suburbs, and cases of child anorexia<注11> and eating problems are increasingly being linked to<注12> parental neuroses<注13> rather than media images. Perhaps in the next century we'll learn that if you want to lose weight, you simply need to eat less—and that in general food is good for you. If you eat sensibly,<注14> you will stay healthy.

  Cooking has already become a leisure activity in Britain—look at all those television programmes.<注15> I do think we will be eating out more and more in restaurants, as a regular event<注16> more in the French style<注17> than<注18> for some special social occasion.<注19> And I hope good cooking<注20> in Britain will spread to all levels. It is already happening to an extent through pubs, though there is still a long way to go:<注21> good food in Britain is currently not very democratic.<注22>

  As for what we eat—well, some of the sci-fi<注23> books that predicted that we would all be slurping<注24> Japanese noodles have proved to be not too far from the truth.<注25> I think we will see pan-Eurasian<注26> foods becoming much more popular in the next century. As for GM<注27> foods, I am scared of them because if their strains<注28> should prove to be virulent<注29> they could do untold<注30> damage to the environment. On the other hand, people have been mucking about with<注31> plants for a very long time already. Look at wine<注32>—it is cloned, there is no sexual reproduction involved,<注33> and so it is purely the result of artifice,<注34> technology. So maybe we shouldn't worry so much—we are just doing more of the same.

  (From CAM: Cambridge Alumni Magazine, No.28,1999)






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《英语学习》2002年3期 专题


1. there...against:这里reaction的意思不是‘反应’而是‘(态度的)转变’,后面加上against,意思是‘转而反对’,可以译成“人们都转而反对”。

2. fad:风靡一时的事物。food fads(食品时尚)指宣称有减肥等功效而流行一时的某些食品。

3. Lite:light的变体,意为‘低热量的’,常见于广告和食品宣传。

4. Or better still:直译是“或者更好的是”,这里可以译成‘最好’。

5. diets:节食书上传授的当然是节食的方法,因此这里diets应译为‘节食法’。

6. sold:因作者持反对态度,所以这里应译为‘兜售’。

7. fatal:致命的。这里单纯一个“致命的”不容易理解,最好加一些解释性文字,译为“对人体有致命危害”。

8. got sued for:这个短语有两个意思,一个是‘因……受到起诉’,另一个是‘受到起诉,要求索赔……’。这里是后一个意思。

9. pernicious:正式用语,意为‘非常有害’。

10. LA:Los Angeles(洛杉矶)的简称。

11. anorexia:厌食,食欲缺乏。

12. increasingly linked to:直译是‘越来越与……联系起来’,根据上下文,这里可译成“人们越来越认识到……与……有关”。

13. neuroses:神经病。单数形式是neurosis。

14. sensibly:明智地。这里可译为“合理”。

15. look... programmes:这句话强调的是传授烹饪技术的电视节目多,译成“……比比皆是”就可以,不必非按祈使句译。

16. as a regular event:作为一件定期发生的事。这里实际就是“定期到饭馆吃一顿”。

17. in the French style:字面意思是‘以法国风格/方式’,即“像法国人那样”。

18. more ...than...:这一结构表示对前者的肯定和对后者的否定。

19. for...occasion:这里可理解为‘为了……的理由/需要’。

20. cooking:这里是‘厨艺’的意思。

21. there... go:“还有很长的路要走”显得过直,可译成“还大有改进的余地”。

22. good... democratic:这里democratic不必直译,这句话可灵活译成“在英国,目前还不能做到在美味佳肴面前人人平等”。

23. sci-fi:science fiction(科幻小说)的缩写。

24. slurping:咕噜咕噜地吃。

25. not...truth:‘距离真理不太远’就是‘不算太离谱’。

26. pan-Eurasian:组合词,由前缀pan-‘全部’+ Eurasian(European和Asian的缩合)构成,意思是‘泛欧亚’。

27. GM:genetically modified(直译是“基因上改变了的”,通常译成“转基因”)的缩写。

28. strains:[生]变种,品种。

29. virulent:有毒的。

30. untold:说不尽的。即‘极大的’。

31. mucking about with:在……上做手脚,瞎鼓捣。

32. wine:这里恐应是vine。vine的字面意思是‘葡萄藤’,这里实际是在谈葡萄树苗的培育。葡萄树苗的培育采取的是无性繁殖技术——只需剪一段葡萄藤,将其插入合适的土壤,在适当的自然条件下,就可以长成葡萄树。所以这里应理解为‘葡萄苗’。

33. there...involved:‘没有……卷进来’就是‘不涉及……’。

34. artifice:这里应理解为‘技巧,招’。


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