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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年4期 > 心病可上酒吧医

Boozing? It’s Practically Therapy
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/24 08:03  《英语学习》

  Going down the pub could seriously affect men's health—but in a positive way, a study said. A Leeds University researcher said that the local watering hole's welcoming atmosphere helps men to get rid of the stresses of modern life and is vital for their psychological well-being. Dr. Colin Gill said rather than complain, women should encourage men to pop out for a swift half.*“Pub-time allows men to bond with friends and colleagues,”he said.“Men need break-out time as much as women and are mentally healthier for it.”Gill added that men might feel unfulfilled or empty if they had not been to the pub for a week. Gill's report surveyed 900 men on their reasons for going to the pub. More than 40 percent said they went for the conversation, with relaxation and a friendly atmosphere being the other most common reasons. Only one in 10 listed alcohol as the overriding reason.




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《英语学习》2002年4期 专题

*half: (=halfpint)。<口>半品脱。


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