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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > GRE > GRE写作问答:评估网站和相关资料

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/31 11:47  寄托天下


  以前我推荐过TWE评分网站,免费的是www.lougheed.com/LC/main.htm (北美一位ESL教师个人网站,他已经发表了多篇关于TWE和ESL学生作文的研究文章和范文) ETS专门设有收费的TWE在线评测系统,现在国内已经可以用这个系统了对GRE作文因为是最新消息要在今年增加GRE作文(www.gre.org/writing.html),所以网上还缺少这类专门网站,不过据我所知太傻网站在其论坛中新开了一个GRE作文主题讨论区。在北美主要是一些教育出版商如PETERSON KAPLAN等出版了一些相关书目你可以上它们的网站看一些公开信息。

  不过按个人看法,GRE作文是对考生水平要求介于TWE和GMAT之间的一类规定时间的命题作文,实际上并太难。以下是摘自www.800score.com/gre-essay.html的文章:How to tackle the Writing Assessment

  Students tend to under-prepare for the Writing Assessment section. This is ironic because it is the one section on the GREswheresa small amount of preparation can make a huge difference on test day. To beat the Writing Assessment, you must learn how to write in a highly disciplined and concise manner.

  Be particularly concerned with structure. Clearly divide your essaysintosthe introductory paragraph, two to three content paragraphs, and a conclusion. Take time out before you start writing to set up an organizational structure. Our Essay Guide includes sample essay templates for the Issue and Argument essays.

  Use transitional phrases, such as "first," "therefore," and "because," to help identify concepts between and within the paragraphs.

  Clearly state your critique in the Analysis of Argument essay. The Analysis of Argument question will show you an essay that is loaded with logical fallacies, such as the unwarranted assumption or the fallacy of equivocation. We include all the common logical fallacies in our Essay Guide's logic section (this makes for interesting reading regardless of whether you are taking the writing assessment).

  Practice, Practice, Practice. Try to do the essays in the 30-minute time frame. That is half the challenge. Always practice under timed conditions on a computer or take our practice essays for grading.

  实际上,GRE作文还是考查你的基本写作能力,因为在规定时间内不可能考查学生更多的能力水平。所以多写一些TOPIC,我此处推荐一个写作HELP网站-- http://www.ruthvilmi.net/hut/LangHelp/Writing/index.html上面对常用的涉及写作知识方法的网络资源作了很好的总结,可以作为写作随时参考的网站之用!

  针对GRE,我建议你先按ETS的提示,先:1. view the actual Issue topics, screen directions, scoring guide and sample essays; and the Argument topics, screen directions, scoring guide and sample essays下载地点:www.gre.org/issuetop.html www.gre.org/essscore.html www.gre.org/argutop.html www.gre.org/analysar.html

  2.download An Introduction to the GRE Writing Assessment , which contains the topics, screen directions, scoring guides, and sample essays for both tasks下载地点:ftp://ftp.ets.org/pub/gre/WritAssess.pdf

  3.review questions and answers from the graduate community about the GRE Writing Assessment read the procedures下载地点:www.gre.org/questions.html然后按样文试着写一些作文,你可以把它们发到http://www.lougheed.com/LC/main.htm并注明是GRE作文请这位老师修改,客气一些,这个人是很NICE的。不过多等几天。



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