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ARG:NGA Players and coaches quotes
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/05 15:36  空中美语


  Adegboye ONIGBINDE (NGA coach):

  (On the standard of the match): I would loved to have won the match, but we have lost, that was unfortunate. But talking about the standard of the game, I am very much impressed. I am happy with my boys and I see this result as a challenge - the reason to intensify our training, our preparation for the remaining two matches to stay in the competition.

  (On his team's performance): I had adequate coordination between the defence and attack and we were able to check most of the antics of the opponents ... and also in attack we made some forayssintosthe opponents' 18 (yard box) and I think the team as a whole played a good game.

  (On the lack of a cutting edge of his team): I think we should have been a little bitter sharper up front ... and I believe this had to do with the fact that KANU got injured very early in the game. He just managed to finish the first half and couldn't continue the second half. It was like working with 10 men and in that situation we want to concentrate more on defence. I believe that was why our attack was not strong enough.

  (On what was wrong with KANU): I think somebody must have elbowed him in the side ... that is swollen, but we should be able to take care of that.

  Juan VERON (ARG, midfielder):

  (On the match): Firstly this match against our great rival Nigeria was our first important match and we won, and second the match was quite hard. During the 90 minutes, we dominated much of the football, but it was a tough game. We would just like to stress to the world how we are playing as asgroups- we are actually in the toughsgroupswith great players and big teams, but we will just play as Argentinians.

  (On England): We just won the first match, but there is still a long way to go. Nigeria is always a tough match and we beat them but still we are facing England and this is going to be a hard game. For the next match I am sure England will be quite prepared - they have speed and good players...but we are just going to be better and better every day.

  (On the performance of goalscorer Gabriel BATISTUTA): Gabriel BATISTUTA has waited so long for this World Cup - he did well and all the other forwards did well.

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空中美语 专栏



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