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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《TOEFL677揭秘》 > 3分作文样例

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/17 11:05  新浪教育

  Topic: some intensive English Programs in the United States offer a foreign Student the option of living with an American family while he or she is studying abroad. Many students feel that such a home-stay program is a valuable part of their total learning experience. however, others may feel that such a plan offers little value. in a short essay, discuss one or two advantages of living with an American family and then state one or two diadvantages. Tell whether youare in favor of or opposed to the idea of home-stay. give examples to support your opinion.


  A foreing(foreign)student studying in America is wise to live with an American family because when a foreing(foreign) student came(comes) to the United States he must make many important adjustment(adjustments). A foreing (foreing) student must change to suivuve in his new imviroment(environment). A foreign student also learns how to take on responsibilities concerning his new family, he adopts(adapts) to their American lifestyle as they adopt(adapt) to his. It is a learning experience on both parts.

  You have a (A student has an) advantage when living (he lives) with an American family, because they would(he will) learn the American ways and customs better with an American family than if they would live(he lived) with his own homeboys(countrymen).

  The American family becomes a second family to the foreign student. At times a foreign student may get homesick; but having(having) a trustworthy second family can give him the security and acceptance he (that he)needs. He is probably used toshavingsa family around him, so he will feel safe if he lives with an American family. Then he must consider that he will be in a stranger place. everything will be new to you(him).

  His American family can help him learn his way around. So(Therefore) foreign student is smart to live with an American family.

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聚焦英语丛书-- 《TOEFL677揭秘》 专题



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