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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 电影篇:Star Wars/星球大战(1)

George Lucas and the “Star Wars” Phenomenon I
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/21 10:52  空中美语




  Birth of a LegendA long time ago, in a place far, far away, a promising film student at the University of Southern California won an internship at Warner Brothers’studio. There, the aspiring filmmaker met Francis Ford Coppola, who helped him to produce an experimental sci-fi flick called“THX 1138.”

  The film was not exactly a blockbuster.1 But it did help that film student to win the backing of Coppola and the help of another studio--Universal--to make his next movie: a little film about American teenagers growing up in the rock-'n’-roll-and-fast-cars era of the early 1960s. That little film was“American Graffiti"--one of the most successful movies in Hollywood history. And that unknown wunderkind?2 That was George Lucas.

  In 1973,“American Graffiti”took off like the Millennium Falcon and made Lucas a millionaire. Instead of resting on his bank account, Lucas took the money and directed his energies toward his next project: a space opera that combined the science fiction serials3 of the 1930s and 1940s with neoclassical music and futuristic special effects. It was kind of like“Flash Gordon”meets“Lohengrin.”

  As with“American Graffiti,”the studio that backed this project had no faith in it whatsoever. It came as a total surprise then,--to everyone except Lucas--that“Star Wars”became a megahit.4

电影篇:Star Wars/星球大战(1)


  很久以前,在一个很远很远的地方,南加州大学一名前途无量的电影系学生赢得在华纳兄弟电影制片厂实习的机会。在那儿,这位有抱负的电影制片人遇到了弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉,这个人帮助他制作了一部实验性科幻片,名为《THX 1138》。




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空中美语 专栏


1. blockbuster n.票房卖座,很成功

2. wunderkind n.神童

3. serial n.连载小说

4. megahit n.很大的成功


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