
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > TOEFL > 从Bulletin上摘录的TOEFL注意事项

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/28 11:06  寄托天下

  作者:dewdrop [寄托天下机经论坛]



  1、TOEFL Study Materials (这步可略) TOEFL Study Materials are available from a distributor near you. For contact information, check our Web Site of Global Resources at www.org/cbt/outsidus.html.

  2、Admission to the Test Center等The test will be given on the day and at the time and place printed on your admission tickets. The supervisor will not permit schedule changes. TOEFL and TWE------ TOEFL and TWE are given in a single session of about three and one-half hours. Actual testing time for TOEFL alone is about 2 hours. The combined TOEFL and TWE testing time is about two and one-half hours. Another hour is needed to admit examinees and to distribute and collect test materials.考试过程中没有休息时间,如果身体不舒服或者需要use toilet,必须向supervisor出示你的identification document(s)才能离开。而这些流逝的时间是记录在考试总时间内的。另外,遵守考场规则不能cheat,代考之类的,不能mark or underline words in the test book or makes notes in the test book or on the answer sheet.不能带手表、彩色铅笔、钢笔、手机、稿纸、口香糖等入场;Supervisor允许后你才能离开试场,否则要被dismissed or have your scores canceled.

  3、Rescheduling the Test Date因为考试中心的原因不能考试的,中心会尽快另安排时间。当然你也可以在宣布改期那天开始计起的60天内申请不再考试了,那样可以退还全部的考试费用。

  4、去考试中心应携带的物品○admission ticket、近期拍的照片原件,复印件无效。有关照片,我细看了一下,要求如下:最近六个月以内拍的半身两寸照,还有一点ETS比较挑剔的“your face in the photo must show you as you will look on the day of the test, for example, with the same hairstyle, with or without beard.”。他还说这张照片in most instance, will be printed on the official score reports sent to institutions.哎,既然是要寄给USA的学校的,5555……如果我早知道这个事实,我一定很久以前就该修饰自己,努力变PP的。不管怎么说,形象问题也挺重要的,最好要让professor一看就觉得亲切。我知道这个消息太晚了点(6/30交表);如果你是9月、11月考试的话,从现在起就快修饰自己吧,5555…as for me, .cry again. Maybe one or half a year later when I’m much more pretty, I will resit in TOEFL.:)

  ○official identification.过期的护照无效,护照复印件也无效。如果你的护照正呆在使馆更新或者因为其他原因not available to you, you will have to wait to register for the test until your passport is returned to you again. If you do not have the required identification and you do not take the test, you will be eligible for an absentee credit only.对于这种情况,你可以在60天之内(比如8/24那天你没有参加考试)联系考试中心,他会退还给你相当于10美圆的RMB。

  ○institution code. Bulletin上有各学校、各系的代码,你可以选择其中3个让ETS免费为你寄送分数。


  5、TOEFL Test的构成考试:work rapidly but carefully.遇到难题,也不要空着,猜答案了。每个section有时间限制,不能跨区,不能在试题上标记。凡是选择题,和GRE不同,TOEFL只有4个选项。(sigh,就了解GRE,对TOEFL可真是一窍不通呀,是不是比较土的说?:p大家不要笑话哦,我自己给自己做笔记,免得到时看见只有4个选项,脑子转不过来,拼命找那个根本不存在的E选项) Section 1 Listening Comprehension. Three parts,每个都只听一遍Part A:short conversation. Part B:long conversation. In both part A and B, each conversation has one question. Part C:you will here several talks, in each talk you will hear more than one question. *****Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

  Section 2 Structure and Written Expression Totally two types of questions. One is: complete the sentence.就是填空。The other is:找出一个句子中错误的单词或词组(不用改正)

  Section 3 Reading Comprehension看见一句话,ETS给的:Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.另外,我听五月份考T的一个姐姐说,现在T的阅读理解有和GRE阅读并行的趋势了,她做的题目里有一些问imply的题目,all in all,难度加大了,幸亏练过GRE阅读呀。

  最后是TWE TWE是唯一可以make note的section!! 30 minutes的时间安排,ETS如是说:You will write your essay on a two-sided answer sheet attached to your TOEFL answer sheet. The test supervisor will tell you where to make your notes for the writing test. Plan to take at least 20 minutes to write your essay after you have read the instruction and made notes. ****ETS建议我们至少用20分钟的时间写作文呀!

  PS:对TWE Practice Topics的说明The TWE test uses a variety of writing tasks that research has identified as a typical of those required of college and university students. As more is learned about other kinds of academic writing, the TWE test will use additional list of topics you may be asked to respond to. To obtain a complete list of topics (over 150) that may appear in your test, see www.toefl.org/testprep/prepindx.html

  #wrtgtopics or write to: TOEFL Publications, PO Box 6161, Princeton, NJ 0854-6161, USA

  When you take the test of written English you will NOT have a choice of topics. You must write your essay only on the topic that is assigned to you.


  6、填表具体操作,我是这样进行的:拿到bulletin (此前的什么活动我不清楚了,是my cousin替我处理的) a)通读那本bulletin一遍,b)然后就摘录以上大家看到的内容,c)开始completing my registration form。d)表格跟CET4的填写形式差不e)多。长方行的box里填写阿拉伯数字、英文单词或中文拼音的大写形式,f)注意,g) box里ETS规定要”print”,h)就是不i)能用铅笔,j)要用(推荐,k)呵呵,l) ETS没说,m)是我附加的)黑色的钢笔填写;box正下方对应的corresponding circle(椭圆形的空心小圆圈)用2B或HB铅笔(必须是铅笔!!)涂黑。n) Two sides. Side 1 of registration form Item 1. Name.中国人的名字这样填,如果你的名字叫“夏晓民”你应该用钢笔在box里填上“XIA XIAOMIN”,注意了没有,“XIA”和“XIAOMING”之间要空一格,就是leave one box blank between names.接着,用铅笔涂黑小圆圈。

  Item 2. Date of birth Example: September 30, 1981你应该填写093081,具体接到表格你自己看看就会拉

  Item 3. Native country code.我是PRC的,呵呵,所以填写457!(非中国的也可以在bulletin里查找)

  Item 4. Native language code My native language ,of course, is Chinese. So I wrote code 315 in the boxes.

  Item 5. test center有两个choices, first choice and second choice.你就填写first choice,不要填写second choice. Eg:我选择上海交大,查了bulletin里的代号,确定是:K524!

  Item 6. test date (select one test date only and fill in the corresponding circle) 8/24的同学就把“august 24,2002”前的小圆圈涂黑!

  Item 7. sex Male or female? Female! ( up to you, hehe, I merely give you a sample.)

  Item 8. next available test date 8a.这项只是让那些已经resigned for both TOEFL and TSE tests的考生填写的,我不用,跳过!8b.在“next available test date”前涂黑小圈圈。(only my choice, but you can chose the other one”a test payment refund”)

  item 9. Payment因为不参加TSE,所以amount和total amount的数据是相同的,sigh,这里看的不是很清楚,因为我的表格粘连在一起了,我使劲撕也撕不开,5555….,大家看着办吧

  Item 10. Mailing address (please print)完成一个表格,记得用钢笔哦,还有,是让你填写中文拉,不是英文,别怕!

  Side 2 of registration form 10a. your mailing address我填写的是BOX 172 xxxxxx UNIV. xxxxxx ZHEJIANG 10b.postal code

  item 11. country code for mailing address中国的是457!

  Item 12. permission这项充分体现人权呀:)YES or NO,still up to you. I chose“yes”!

  side 2的最底下是item 13.要你(而不是其他人)用铅笔(而不是钢笔)抄写一段话(confirm一下而已),类似于GRE的誓词,然后签上你的名字和日期,还是要用铅笔哦。我是这样填写的:I hereby agree to the conditions set forth in the information Bulletin concerning the test administration, free payment, and score reporting and affirm that I am the person whose name and address are given on this registration form.签上自己的名字:x* y*** y*** (这点不确定是拼音还是汉字,bulletin里没有明确指出)日期:不是8/24,而是你写这份表格的日期。举例:我是今天才填写的,所以应该填写:06 / 26 / 02 MO. DAY YEAR

  7.还有一些非普遍性的问题,比较琐碎的,比如score porting services, score report request form,还有什么样的分数才够用(没有明确的指标,应该视你实际申请的学校要求而定)等等,大家有兴趣自己看看吧。我自己是看懂了,可是总结不出来,不好意思:)


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