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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/01 15:11  新浪教育

  NIKKY: hi, brian

  BRIAN: hi, nikky, nice day, isn’t it?

  NIKKY: yeah, but it is a little stuffy(闷热的)here in New York.

  BRIAN: oh, the US team has come back? (美国队回去了么?)

  NIKKY: soccer? Yeah, they came back, heroes(足球么?对,他们回来了,英雄们).

  BRIAN: US is a hard team

  NIKKY: so is German.

  BRIAN: and Korea

  NIKKY: but I think that they could do a better job, the World Cup referees' committee(国际足联裁委会),I mean.

  BRIAN: everybody is talking about the referees now. (每个人都在谈论裁判的事情)

  NIKKY: don’t know who should be appointed to be officials for the semi-finals. (不知道谁会在半决赛中执法)

  BRIAN: there are two semi-finals.

  NIKKY: yes, I mean Korea VS German.

  BRIAN: did u view the games against co-hosts South Korea? (有没有看过韩国队的几场比赛?)

  NIKKY: yes, the beat the Italians in the second round with a golden goal(金球) and the Spanish team in the quarter-final after a penalty(点球)shootout.


  BRIAN: the referee committee is now attacked throughout the world. (裁判委员会受到来自世界各国的攻击)

  NIKKY: and the linesmen. (边裁)


  BRIAN: a lot of people have difficulties understanding the referee, especially the linesmen, they were those, who send the Italy back home.

  NIKKY: huge errors. (巨大的失误)

  BRIAN: there have been one or two major mistakes.


英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.2(2002/07/01/ 15:09)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题



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