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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 > many, much, few, little, a few, a little

many, much, few, little, a few, a little
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/04 18:50  新浪教育

  1) many, much都表示“许多”, many修饰可数名词复数, much修饰不可数名词。many, much构成的词组有:too many, too much; so much, so many; a great many(修饰可数名词复数)。


  There are many peasants working in the field.Did you spend much time on your work? You have made so many mistakes that I even don't know how to correct them.As a student, one should read a great many books which are essential to enriching one's knowledge.

  2) few, little, a few, a littlefew, a few修饰可数名词,little, a little修饰不可数名词。few, little具有否定意义,表示“几乎没有”,a few, a little具有肯定意义,表示“一些”。


  He is a man of few words, which means he is a silent person.Hurry up, we've only got a little time left.The village is quite small. There are only a few houses in it.I know little about nature. * quite a few表示许多,修饰可数名词复数。

  【例如】Quite a few students in my class like music, especially pop music.

either, neither(2002/07/03/ 11:28)
each,every(2002/07/02/ 13:13)
both ,all, every, each ,neither, either(2002/07/01/ 11:53)
other, another(2002/06/28/ 16:19)
some, any, no组成的复合词(2002/06/27/ 14:09)
聚焦英语丛书-- 《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 专题



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