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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年6期 > 蚂蚁大全

Scientists Set First Complete Ant-Thology *
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/09 09:43  《英语学习》

  Whether you're looking for white ants, fire ants or carpenter ants, the first complete database of the world's 11,000 known ant species can help you out. Scientists say antbase.org is a unique resource for scholars, ecologists or anyone interested in myrmecology—the scientific study of ants. "The project is unique in its scope, " said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. With ants, scientists have a lot to keep track of. Ants are the most common life form on earth. Though tiny, their combined weight is greater than that of the combined weight of all humans. Ted Schultz, an entomologist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, said the ant database was "really valuable." He said that because ants were exceptionally good "bio-indicators," environmental experts could use the data to check if an entire ecosystem is healthy, based mostly on its ant population.



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《英语学习》2002年6期 专题

* Ant-Thology:此为作者生造之词,是对anthology(诗集、文选)一词的戏拟,可译为“蚂蚁大全”。


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